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I said, "This is what, is this my phone bill? That's her phone bill. Scroll down for video. Rhoni Reuter left was six months pregnant when she was shot and killed by Marni Yang, right. The year-old killer hacked into Gayle and Miss Reuter's computer after she broke up with the footaller. Officers believe Yang also hacked into Miss Reuter's computer, knew where she lived and worked and that she was in a relationship with Gayle and was carrying his child. The obsessed woman fired six shots at Miss Reuter on her doorstep, the first four in the abdomen and then another two at her head.

Two of the shots penetrated her womb and her unborn baby did not survive. As police investigated Yang, they discovered that her job as a estate agent was a fraud. Gayle was her only client and she still bragged that he was still her boyfriend.

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But officers still did not have enough evidence to charge her and asked Gayle to meet her while wearing a wire. Evidence he collected was used in the trial that led to her conviction last month. But when police found Miss Reuter slumped inside her home, they immediately suspected she had been murdered by someone she knew. There were no signs of forced entry at her home and the nature of the attack suggested some sort of personal vendetta. Police were suspicious of Gayle when they found he had been dating Miss Reuter in a 'non-monogamous' relationship for 18 years. And when they found pictures of Gayle in her house, their first thoughts were that he was somehow connected to her violent death.

They became curious about the nature of the couple's relationship - the pair had been dating on and off for almost two decades but never lived together. Gayle said that he had made it clear that their relationship was not monogamous.

Shaun Gayle

In a recording of a call he made to Deerfield Police department Gayle says: He then asks: Is she OK? When the officer told him to come to the station, Gayle began sobbing.

Former NFL player takes responsibility for death of pregnant girlfriend

He arrived at the police station in an agitated state, asking officer 'Who done this? How could this happen?

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Rhoni Reuter, left and with her brother Thad while pregnant. But after seeing how quickly Gayle composed himself, the investigating officer became suspicious. When he attended Miss Reuter's funeral in her home town of Potosi, Wisconsin, some of the mourners made it clear they had their suspicions, too. But Gayle told ABC he was so grief-stricken he barely noticed.

Gayle Admits Sex With Yang On Night Before Murder – CBS Chicago

In the preview video his voice cracks as he describes how they buried Miss Reuter and her unborn child. He said: I asked the funeral director if I could see the baby, but he said he would really warn against that because it would be an image I'd never be able to get out of my head. Gayle had always insisted they had got the wrong man and said he believed the killer was a former girlfriend - Monika Kurowska - who he said had been stalking him.

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He told officers he believed Kurowska had been sending letters to his family written in broken English that claimed Gayle was romantically involved with 18 different women. After scanning his computer, officers determined Gayle's emails had been tracked for years by Marni Yang.

Gayle, who played in the superbowl-winning Bears team of , remembered the time he first met Miss Reuter during a Bears' charity event in Wisconsin. It was a definite attraction and interest in one another. He went on to describe the traumatic events that led to her death - and his part in snaring her murderer. And I still think I'm going to wake up and it's going to be just a dream.

The shocking murder was the first the town of Deerfield had seen in 30 years.

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Police thought I'd killed her: Shaun Gayle's first interview after obsessive ex is found guilty of murdering his pregnant girlfriend By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: Share or comment on this article: Shaun Gayle's first interview after pregnant girlfriend 'murdered by obsessive stalker' e-mail. But he admitted the relationship later became a sexual one and he admitted that he had sex with Yang on the night before Reuter was shot and killed in her condo.

Prosecutors say Reuter was shot several times, including having two shots aimed at her belly — and the unborn baby girl. He eventually called Deeerfield police, who instructed him to drive to their offices. Lake County Circuit Court Judge Christopher Stride on Thursday signed an order for the testing of shell casings from the bullets used to kill Rhoni Reuter, 42, of Deerfield, who was seven months pregnant when she died in Two of those bullets also struck and killed the unborn baby.

Shaun Gayle's first interview after pregnant girlfriend 'murdered by obsessive stalker'

Prosecutors said jealousy was the motive that led Yang to kill Reuter. During the trial, Gayle testified that he had a sporadic sexual relationship with Yang, including a meeting the night before Reuter was murdered. Investigators focused in on Yang in , when police wiretaps caught Yang talking about the murder to a friend. Yang also had ordered two books explaining how to make a silencer for a handgun, and she went to a home improvement store to buy the necessary items the day the books arrived, according to testimony at trial.
