Gay 18 and 26 dating yahooanswers

Source s: Add a comment. Asker's rating. Live Sex Chat Website - http: There's a few problems I have with this argument, and not you specifically because I've seen it come up time and time again in regards to bisexuals, both from gay partners afraid they'll leave them for the opposite sex and straight partners afraid they'll leave them for the same sex. First, since when did bisexuals have the market cornered on cheating?

Gay 18 and 26 dating yahooanswers – Prathyusha Engineering College

Last I checked, people of all sexual orientations cheat. Why are you only concerned a bi guy would leave you for a woman? Would that be worse than a gay guy leaving you for another man, getting married legally or not and adopting children and leaving you behind? Second, relationships are all about trust, and in the case here, shouldn't your trust be more in the person you're with than their sexuality? If you can't trust someone not to leave you, then there's a much bigger issue at play here than just who they might be attracted to.

Why do people assume that bisexuals will cheat?


Infidelity is a major cause of breakdown in heterosexual marriages, and I'm sure the same happens to a lot of gay relationships. I'm bisexual, and I've been faithful to my partner for over 30 years, despite the fact that my partner, who is not bisexual, had an affair some 12 years ago. I know there are a lot of people who claim to be bisexual just to attract attention.

These are usually 'Z' list celebrities who do it to promote their popularity, but they have no intention of entering into a same sex relationship. Impressionable young people see this and try it for themselves, and it gives genuine bisexuals a bad name, which isn't helped by questions like this.

Date Gay Men. Oh no, you're neither hypocritical nor judgmental. I am bisexual but lean more to guys and have dated a few gay guys and can understand your concerns. The gay would probably have to take the lead for awhile but if there is hope for love, it will happen. Well, I definitely would date a bisexual guy.

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It really doesn't matter to me. All I need is that he's capable of loving me. Just because he's attracted to women as well, doesn't mean he'll just run away and get married to a woman. And even if he does,, well maybe he wasn't worth it in the first place.

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    Answers Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: You are not wrong if you approve. What can happened between two boys? No pregnancy involved so that's a good thing you don't have to worried about lol!! Just make sure that they don't do anything stupid like have sex or drink ect. They can hang out and have fun and go to places, but first tell them that they need your permission first!

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    With any teenager, boys or girls, they WILL have sex or do something stupid and you will never know it so condoms are a good thing to tell them, teenagers lies A LOT and they will never tell you the things that they did. You have to keep an eye on him. I know that sometimes parents trust their kids but you never know, next thing there is a big problem just like that so just keep an eye on them.

    I'm 23 years old and personally I won't date someone of that young age, in my opinion I think it's very inappropriate.

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    Source s: Add a comment. You just agree with the age thing? So does that mean you don't agree with them both being men? You should love your son no matter what him being gay should change or affect that, as far as his relationship goes as long as he wants to be with him it's fine he is old enough to make his own choices.
