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Laugh at your differences. So you have a choice: But who cares? So instead of rolling your eyes and being condescending, explain what All About Eve is and regale him with stories about payphones. Find common ground.

Maybe he appreciates that you taught him how to pump his own gas; or maybe you enjoy watching him at his go-go dancing gig. The stuff that makes relationships strong — no matter what your ages are — are when you both find something that you like to do together. Trust him. So keep an eye out for those boys on social networks, but when you feel a real rapport, give him the benefit of the doubt. If he looks aghast, something might be up. Make mistakes.

Among them: Get Queerty Daily Subscribe to Queerty for a daily dose of boys carlsandler daddies stories and more 51 Comments tdx3fan I think the best thing that ever helped me to understand the conditions that older people face was a month of training and two years of working as a nursing assistant. As far as the money goes, I really wanted to be much more independent when the relationship started. My older partner convinced me that it made more sense to let him pay for things since he made more money in one day than I do in one month. I still pay for things whenever I can… including my own education graduate school.

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I also found that maintaining an actual job outside of the relationship most definitely helped. I think the biggest problem in these relationships is not the older guy being the provider they make plenty of money and want to spend it. It is being sucked into that and allowing it to consume you as a younger guy. You run the risk of giving up all of your power because the power dynamic will NEVER be equal if you are dating a successful older guy you will forever be playing catch up, and if the older guy is not successful you will not be dating him — not because of the money, but because you are attracted to men with their stuff together.

I also have to be honest and say I will never see what a 40 year old man sees in a 21 year old man.

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Its not that I am not supportive of it… it is just entirely not me. Sometimes, though, you get taken completely by surprise by a something that really has a thing for older guys. People will forever call you a gold digger and assume that anything pricey that you own was paid for by the older one. Also, you have to put your foot down early on in the relationship. I love my man and plan to be with him for the rest of our lives.

Instead of giving tips for what appear to be unhealthy relationships, perhaps Queerty should be trying to help gay men find loving, fulfilling, and most importantly, equal relationships. The assumption I took away in this article is that your gay relationship is transient; we date someone 20 years older than us because our relationships only last five years.

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Straight couples are encouraged to marry someone their own age because society expects them to spend the rest of their life with that person. Gay men should base their relationships off the cute, very happy, older couples who have been married for sixty years not Hugh Hefner.

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When I am on my death bed at , I want my husband of 80 years to be by my side. Harley, well, maybe a lot of 40 year olds have more to offer than money. Definitely creepy. I assumed it was parody. Articles like this bug me because they play into the handbook of the religious right.

For example, that image of the cute boy be carried by what I presume is an older man is reminiscent of a father carrying a three year-old. I am a 50 plus fit, fun, intelligent, good looking gay man who is not into younger guys. Can I find even a date with someone around my age? And probably always will be.

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Last week I attended the birthday party for a great friend of mine. The party was for his 84th birthday. In conversations with all three of them, they each on their own tell of the great luck they have in being together. My 84 year old friend came out about 10 years ago.

He says that in his wildest dreams he never thought he would have two lovers let alone one at his age. The three are great examples of a beautiful relationship between generations.

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Outside of legal boundaries, the boundaries of love are only what we create in ourselves. How about we stop caring about what the religious right or the straight white middle class for that matter think of us, okay? You may like living on eggshells but that is not my idea of liberation. I disagree that we would be living on eggshells if the LGBT community was fully integrated into all of society. No one thinks racism disappeared after the Civil War or the Civil Rights legislation; it takes time and highlighting the non-differences to really move public opinion and improve relations from a societal point-of-view.

Being able to get married is wonderful, being able to walk down the street in NYC while holding the hand of your husband without worrying about looks or getting beat up is better. Anyone who has ever managed change in a large organization will tell you that it is a slow process and you have to be careful if you want to be successful. PR matters, a lot… When the media portrays gay people for a straight audience, they tend to white wash over some common aspects of the gay community.

The public has advanced a lot in 10 years but we, as a community, have to move the public opinion needle slowly and responsibly AND at the right time. No one thinks Baker v. Nelson in helped the marriage equality movement, if anything it hurt it. In , the LGBT community should have been entirely focused on just securing basic rights to exist openly. It has taken 46 years after Stonewall for marriage equality to be a real possibility across the entire United States; pretty amazing if you compare it to other civil rights movements: Until the LGBT community is cemented firmly in the normalcy of society we should think about PR; love it or hate it that is reality.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of gay dysfunction. Look at any of the thousand and one rationalizations for self-destructive behavior that appear by the minute on every gay blog. But a large sector of our community cannot get over the internalized homophobia of living in a bigoted culture. And they do not respond to logic or argument.

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Some of us have been trying for decades. So incredibly not true. For the 20 year old it is very often the security that originally might have a part to play in drawing the younger to the older, but in the end if the older does not have something more to offer than just cash the relationship is doomed from the start. Putting up with someone you seriously have no feelings for just for a little cash is not something most average people do.

I have no idea why, but he loves me for me and I love him for him. I have always liked older. He is the first younger guy I have dated. Why do you care so much about who other people date? You assume straight people want to see us in a certain light, but they are themselves waking up to the fact they too are more free to have the relationships they want.

Also, nothing is guaranteed in this world. Just to refresh your memory, he was pro-gay marriage in the 90s and against it when it got to the national stage by I doubt he changed his mind, he just changed what he said. This article should have been written more responsibility; they should have interviewed actual people in inter-generational relationships and humanized the story. Irresponsible writing like this does fuel negative stereotypes.
