Great gay sex

If you've got a seriously well-trained ass, try alternately flexing and relaxing while you're fucking a little more slowly and watch his head explode with delight. Like I mentioned in the previous point, if a top's penis flexes while he's inside his partner, there are some seriously awesome benefits for the bottom. This doesn't just have to be a reflexive response, though. If you're familiar with Kegel exercises, you already know how to do this.

Chances are you already do, even if you are unfamiliar with Kegels. You know how you can make your dong sort of do a silly dance if you squeeze the right pelvic muscles? That's basically what we are talking about here. If you practice Kegel exercises, you can train that muscle up to help you control your orgasm and help maintain healthy erections. Turns out, you can also tickle some booty as a fringe benefit! This is obviously a tip for guys who are fucking multiple dudes at one time and to them, I tip my hat. To me, this one seems like it's a pretty obvious, common sense tip for anyone who is frequently fucking in groups but I haven't really seen it mentioned anywhere else and I just think it's important to point out, just in case.

No matter how clean your partners' asses are, you still run the risk of spreading all sorts of nasty intestinal bacteria and parasites by neglecting the condom change. If you're fucking and your hands aren't busy, you're simply doing it wrong.

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Nobody wants to fuck a guy whose hands are just lying limp at his sides. When you're hands aren't up to something, it is easy to send the message that you're not really invested in what is going on and are probably writing a shopping list or thinking about some cat video you saw online earlier that day instead of being present in the moment. Clutch the sheets, squeeze his ass and pull him in deeper, jerk him off while you fuck him, just make damn sure you're hands are doing something.

Not only is this a great way to show that you are totally into what is going on, it's also a great way to add some dimension to your mutual pleasure. It's tempting to just leave that header without any sort of explanation because, seriously, what's not to love?

I don't know why we don't see more vibrating cock rings out there, they're fucking incredible for everyone involved. If you're the top who's wearing one, all that extra tingly sensation buzzing away down there makes for some pretty intense, more full-bodied orgasms. For the bottom, it feels great to have all the extra buzz in your downstairs mix-up, especially if you're positioned so that your top is getting maximum and frequent contact with your prostate. That just feels good anyway, but add the vibration to the mix and you've got some next-level shit going on.

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  • The Gay Man's Good Sex Guide.

I don't think I've ever met a guy who's tried a vibrating cock ring and didn't fucking love it. The secret to Olympic-grade ass eating is to do it with serious gusto. Timidly parting his cheeks, licking around his crack and only occasionally tonguing that bung are great ways to send the message that you're only eating ass for his benefit. For myself and guys like me, the idea that I am somehow "coercing" this guy, for lack of a better word, to do something he's not into is a serious boner killer. That's why you can't fuck around when you're eating ass- You gotta go at it like you're trying to win a million-dollar pie eating contest.

Spread those cheeks wide, bury your face right in there, and tongue the hell outta that bung like you're a starving anteater. If you're really serious about upping your bedroom game, you need to stop fucking in the bedroom exclusively. A change of scenery is an incredibly simple way to add some variety to your sexual experience and changes the whole mood of the fuck session.

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If you're not an overly-adventurous sort, keep it simple and just move the action to another part of the house. Fuck in the laundry room, the shower, on the couch, or whatever. Just get out of the bedroom and switch it up. Who knows, maybe you'll realize you get a little more excited when you change the scenery?

If you are a more adventurous type who already fucks all around the house, take it to the next level and find a secluded place to fuck outside. There's nothing quite like having a great bang on a picnic blanket in the sun in a secluded spot in the woods or on an empty stretch of beach. Just make sure you're alone! Nobody needs indecent exposure charges.

For the extremely adventurous types, why not take a field trip to a sex club. Any good sex club will be a safe place for you and your partner to get the thrill of fucking in public without all the concerns about little things like jail time and legal fees. It's easy to get caught up in the moment and lose control of your breathing when you're having a really good roll in the hay. For some people, this might mean forgetting to breathe and for others, it might mean hyperventilating.

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Neither of these things is ideal for a couple of reasons. Hyperventilating introduces all sorts of extra oxygen into your blood and, among other things, makes your nerves super-sensitive. This can be a real problem for guys who are a little quick off the mark from time to time. Forgetting to breathe causes you to tense up and also makes it harder to orgasm.

If you are having trouble with either of these issues, you might want to look into learning a few simple breath control techniques. Hell, even if you aren't having any trouble, it's not a bad idea to learn them. They are a great way give you better control over your orgasm and maintain your stamina all around. Gay rights advocate Peter Tatchell has argued that blood donors ought to be treated as individuals, not sexualities. He suggests that eligibility questionnaires "be made more detailed for men who've had sex with men, in order to more accurately identify the degree of risk.

The more we know about the way people really have sex, the harder it is to file straight and gay people into easy categories: This post originally misstated the name of Indiana University. Trending Most Read Related. A parent asks a mom to donate her breast milk to their hungry toddler.

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17 Tips for Being a Better Top

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