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We feature thousands of smart, modern gay singles looking to find their perfect match. Our unique privacy and moderation policies make messaging and meeting potential Soulmates simple, secure and stress-free. Discover gay singles looking for meaningful relationships online on Guardian Soulmates.

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Gary, 35, is a social work manager living in the West Country. He was born with cerebral palsy; a disability that affects mobility and balance. We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and to show you relevant advertising.

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To find out more, read our updated privacy policy. Once you have found your gay contact you simply press the bumping heart and the app shows you a public, secure place to meet. This is also an important security feature. This gay dating and boy chat app is easy and fun. Start using the app and tell your gay community to use it. Carnival is here! From today until next Tuesday, many cities in the world are celebrating it. Do not miss the chance, dress up and try to do the best in Today is one of the most exciting days in the whole year.

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Quick, easy and cool! When you find someone you like just tap the heart, our quick dating feature automatically suggests you both a safe location to meet. Safe and easy. You decide what information should be shown in your profile. No personal data stored on your phone will be accessed or transmitted by the app.
