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Homophobia in ethnic minority communities

Stone referred to — and has granted millions of dollars to local health departments and community groups to pay for testing. But he could not name a city or state with proven success in lowering infection rates in young gay minority men. Gay black youths are hard to reach, experts say. Few are out to their families.

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Many live in places where gays are stigmatized and cannot afford to move. Few attend schools with gay pride clubs or gay guidance counselors. Croix but raised in New York. When those who are poor and homeless go to traditional gay hangouts, they become prey. Kwame, a year-old from Philadelphia, said that on his first day wandering around New York last year, he was propositioned by an older homeless man and by an older transgender person.

The homeless man later admitted that he was infected, and added: Kwame said he had sex that night — with a man he met at a gay services center, where he had gone in search of emergency housing. Also, I needed someplace to stay. According to a major C. That is true even though, on average, black youths in the study took fewer risks than their white peers: They had other risk factors.

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Lacking health insurance, they were less likely to have seen doctors regularly and more likely to have syphilis, which creates a path for H. But the crucial factor was that more of their partners were older black men, who are much more likely to have untreated H. Among the poor, untreated or inadequately treated H. Halkitis, a professor of psychology and public health at New York University. According to the C. Giselle admitted to sometimes skipping days.

Missed doses let the virus rebound, sometimes in drug-resistant strains, experts said. Other risk factors include depression and fatalism. In a project by the National Youth Pride Services, an advocacy organization for gay black youths, more than half of the young gay black people questioned said they feared their friends or families would disown them if they came out as gay, and about 4 in 10 said they had contemplated suicide over being gay.

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Roderick, 22, said his aunt, who took him in after his parents were arrested on drug charges, became furious after he told her at age 15 that he was gay. Later he attended a small New Jersey university and studied to be a veterinarian.

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But when his aunt learned that he was dating a white man, she demanded that he return home and go to a local community college. In New York, he found housing through the Ali Forney Center , which is named after a young gay rights advocate murdered in and which shelters gay minority youths, who are often abused in regular shelters.

Roderick briefly supported himself by having sex for money at parties organized through Craigslist. But he gave that up, he said, has one partner and is applying for veterinary scholarships. Several young men described having felt isolated and scared as teenagers, and so depressed that they hardly cared if they lived or died, which left them indifferent about using condoms, especially when they were offered money not to.

“I think he can create jobs in America and the black community need them desperately”

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