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Dominic says he had a "couple of casual flings with girls" before he came out to his parents, but he has only ever dated men since. A serial monogamist, he says he preferred long-term relationships to playing the field and has had four serious relationships that have lasted around two years.

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Describing his decision to give up sex, Dominic said: I never imagined celibacy would change my life as much as it has. At first, Dominic did not t tell his friends or family what he had planned, only sharing the news with them around three months in.

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He added: Throughout the year, he noticed he was becoming more and more interested in women until, at the end of , he realised he was no longer attracted to men. I have no intention of sleeping with a man again. As drew to an end, Dominic began thinking about rejoining the dating world and downloaded Tinder, where users can swipe yes or no to profiles based on a selection of photos. He describes his type as "pierced, tattooed, edgy girls" but also places great importance on finding someone with an open mind.

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