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FDA Overturns a Year Ban on Blood Donations by Gay Men - Scientific American

You are now leaving Pornhub. Go Back You are now leaving Pornhub. Men Over Join Men Over 30 Now. Top Rated Videos. See All. Play All Videos. Big Cock Solo Masturbation K views. Rex Wolfe Showing off his huge 9 inch dick K views. Studies have shown behavioral differences between younger and older cohorts of BMSM as a whole, particularly men ages 30 and under compared to men over 30 Koblin et al.

Younger age has been associated with HIV incidence and sexual risk taking Koblin et al. They witnessed its fatal consequences, when most people came to medical attention only in the later stages of disease and when effective treatments were unavailable. Those born during and after that time witnessed a very different epidemic in which the disease became more and more treatable.

Pouget at al. Comparatively, men aged 40 and under spent most of their adult lives in a context where HAART was readily available and biomedical interventions were increasingly coupled with targeted HIV prevention information. In addition, AIDS-related deaths and community viral loads have declined dramatically, creating a different sexual risk environment.

Analysis was conducted on baseline data from the overall study and includes participants assigned to both the intervention and control condition. Participants in the intervention had to identify as Black or African American, and report condomless sex with a man or woman in the past three months.

FDA Overturns a 30-Year Ban on Blood Donations by Gay Men

To describe the profiles of bisexually active BMSMW, the analysis presented here was limited to men who reported having oral or anal sex with at least one man and oral, vaginal, or anal sex with at least one woman in the past three months, which resulted in BMSMW included in this analysis. Study procedures were approved by the institutional review board at the University of Southern California Health Sciences Campus.

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Age was dichotomized into 40 and under versus over 40 years as a proxy for two age cohorts of men in prior to and following the era of HAART. Age was also utilized as a continuous variable to explore potential changes in odds of behavioral outcomes with increasing years of age. Participants were asked to provide information about male and female partners within the past three months, including number and HIV status of partners.

Participants provided the number of main male and female intercourse partners within the past three months. Participants identified the number of HIV-positive and HIV-negative casual male and female partners within the past three months.

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Participants were asked to provide the number of condomless RAI and IAI encounters with main and casual male partners, in addition to condomless vaginal and anal sex encounters with main and casual female partners. For main male and female partners, participants were asked to report if they had sex with anyone during the time they were in a relationship with their main partner. Binary logistic regression was used to evaluate the odds of selected behavioral outcomes, including condomless IAI and RAI with main and casual male partners and condomless vaginal and anal intercourse with main and casual female partners.

Multinomial logistic regression models were adjusted for differences in sexual orientation and study location across age groups given the variability in sexual risk taking by sexual orientation Dodge et al. Multinomial logistic regression models were also conducted using age as a continuous variable to explore the odds of sexual risk behaviors with one year of increased age. The mean age was Bivariate associations between age and sexual behaviors with main and non-main male partners stratified by HIV status are summarized in Table 2.

Among the same group, younger age cohort was associated with having any non-main male partners who were HIV-negative or whose status was unknown Among HIV-positive men, older age cohort was associated with having a concurrent sexual partnership while in relationship with most recent main male partner Table 3 reports bivariate associations between these age cohorts and sexual behaviors with main and non-main female partners.

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Older age cohort was also associated with having a concurrent sexual relationship while in a relationship with their most recent main female partner Among HIV-positive men with any non-main female partners, younger age was associated with having any non-main female partners of HIV-negative or unknown status Table 4 shows the logistic regression analysis of the odds of sexual risk behaviors of BMSMW over 40 years compared to BMSMW 40 and under, adjusted for self-identified sexual orientation and study location and stratified by HIV status.

The older group also had 2. They also had 3. Logistic regression analysis of behavioral characteristics comparing BMSMW over 40 years to those 40 and under stratified by self-reported HIV status, adjusted for sexual orientation and location, to Table 5 displays the logistic regression models using age as a continuous variable to explore odds of sexual risks by increasing age in years rather than age group.

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Logistic regression analysis of behavioral characteristics of BMSMW with age as a continuous variable adjusted for sexual orientation and location, to In the multivariate models, there were statistically significant differences regarding age and some behaviors by HIV status, including having condomless IAI with the most recent main male partner, having HIV-negative or status unknown non-main partners, having a concurrent sexual partnership while with the most recent main female partner, and having HIV-positive non-main female partners.

This study found that among HIV-negative BMSMW who reported having a main male partner in the past three months, those over the age of 40 were significantly more likely to report condomless IAI with their most recent main male partner.

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Previous research has found that younger non-gay identified BMSM were more likely to report condomless sex with male partners than older non-gay identified BMSM Hampton et al. Our analyses did not find statistically significant differences in RAI practice among the age cohorts of either HIV status. It is unclear whether concurrent partnerships among were with males or females; however, data show evidence of higher proportion of concurrent partnership among MSMW than MSMO, particularly concurrent condomless sex with male and female partners Maulsby et al.

Other research has found that older non-gay identified BMSM were more likely to engage in condomless sex with women compared to younger non-gay identified BMSM Hampton et al.

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These data raise the question of whether increased risk in age among BMSMW is attributable to a personal developmental trajectory along the life course or if older BMSMW also experience condom use fatigue with age. Other research on the HIV and STI risk among Black gay and bisexual men shows that sexual preferences change over time in part due to personal growth and changing circumstances over the life course Dangerfield II, Smith, Anderson, et al. Sexual decisions and risk for each encounter are also nested within developmental stages of adulthood, which could change with age, as suggested by our findings of increased odds of risk with increasing age.

Specifically, the changing nature of the AIDS epidemic due to increasing prevention options may create varying perceptions of risk for different cohorts of BMSM Brooks et al. Future research should consider both generational and development changes in risk taking among various age cohorts of BMSMW. Overall, our findings highlight important behavioral differences by age cohort and HIV status.

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We observe that age is related to risk among BMSMW in some ways, safer in other ways, and that there could be a trend in increased risk as age increases. These generational differences and developmental trajectories in risk offer meaningful insights into the profiles of BMSMW that need to be addressed in intervention. Future interventions on BMSMW might consider the role that generational differences in exposure to HIV prevalence, disease outcomes, and prevention messages might have on sexual risk taking.

There are limitations associated with the study. This sample of BMSMW was not representative of BMSMW; many were recently incarcerated, most have low socioeconomic status, in addition to endorsing several sexual risk behaviors as required for the randomized control trial. Men self-reported HIV-status, and the cross-sectional nature of the analysis makes it difficult to isolate age and cohort effects.

Many variables potentially associated with sexual risk behaviors e. The lack of socioeconomic diversity in this group may limit generalization of these findings. While other research compares individuals 30 and younger to men over 30, the low sample size of men under the age of 30 limited our ability to detail a dichotomy between that age group. Still, this work provides a framework for highlighting differences in sexual risk behaviors among BMSMW by age group, which is an understudied subpopulation among the larger and general group of MSM.

Future research should explore this issue among a wider range of age cohorts. Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study. The authors would like to thank the staff at each of the funded sites, as well as members of participating community advisory boards and community-based organizations. Publisher's Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. The agency said people with hemophilia and related blood clotting disorders will continue to be banned from donating blood due to potential harm they could suffer from large needles. Previously they were banned due to an increased risk of transmitting HIV. The agency said it has worked with other government agencies and considered input from outside advisory bodies, and has "carefully examined the most recent available scientific evidence to support the current policy revision.

The agency said it has also put in place a safety monitoring system for the blood supply which it expects to provide "critical information" to help inform future FDA blood donor policies. Peter Marks, deputy director of the FDA's biologics division, said in a statement.
