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American Jour nal of Community. Psychology , 17 , — Davies, M. Correlates of negative attitudes toward gay men: Sexism, male. Jour nal of Sex Resear ch , 41 , — Dejowski, E. Public endorsements of restrictions on three aspects of free. Socio-demographic and trend analysis. Jour nal of. Homosexuality , 23 , 1— Dilley, P. Which way out? A typology of non-heterosexual male collegiate.

Eldridge, L. Explaining comfort with homosexuality. Jour nal of Homosexuality , 51 , 39— Engstrom, C. Attitudes of heterosexual students toward. Jour nal of College S tudent Development , 38 ,. Evans, N. Coming out in college residence halls:. Negotiation, meaning making, challenges, supports. Development , 40 , — Finlay, B. Review of Religious Research , 44 , — Garnets, L.

Violence and victimization of lesbians. Mental health consequences.

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Jour nal of Interpersonal Violence ,. Gortmaker, V. Out of the college closet: Differences in. College Student Jour nal , 40 , — Grossman, A. T ransgender youth and life-threatening.

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Suicide and Life-Thr eatening Behavior , 37 , — Hansen, G. Androgyny, sex-role orientation and homosexism. Psychology , Herek, G. Attitudes toward lesbians and gay men: A factor-analytic study. Jour nal of Homosexuality , 10 , 39— On heterosexual masculinity: Some psychical consequences of. American Behavioral Scientist, 29 ,. Correlates and gender differences. Jour nal of Sex Resear ch , 25 , — The context of anti-gay violence: Notes on cultural and. Jour nal of Interpersonal Violence , 5 , — Documenting prejudice against lesbians and gay men on. The Y ale sexual orientation survey. Jour nal of Homosexuality , 25 4 ,.

The psychology of sexual prejudice. Kimmel Eds. Psychological perspectives on lesbian, gay and bisexual. New Y ork, NY: Columbia University Press. Documenting the victimization of lesbians and.

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Methodological issues. Jour nal of Sex Resear ch , 32 , 95— Results from a national sample. Jour nal of Sex Resear ch , 30 ,. Hinrichs, D. Attitudes toward gay, lesbian, and. Homosexuality , 43 , 61— Hu, S. Diversity experiences and college student lear ning and. Jour nal of College Student Development , 44 , — Humphreys, D. Diversity and the college curriculum: How colleges and uni-. Retrieved July 20, ,.

Hurato, S. Impr oving the climate for racial ethnic diversity. W ashington,. George W ashington University.

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Irwin, P. Acceptance of the rights of homosexuals: Jour nal of Homosexuality , 3 , — Kardia, D. Impact of college on student attitudes toward gay and lesbian. Dissertation Abstracts International, 57, 3A. Kerns, J.

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The relation between gender and negative attitudes. Do gender role attitudes mediate this relation? Sex Roles , 31 , — Kite, M. Sex dif ferences in attitudes toward homosexuals: A meta-analytic.

Jour nal of Homosexuality , 10 , 69— Attitudes toward homosexuality: Assessment and. Basic and Applied Social Psychology , 7 , — Sex dif ferences in attitudes toward homosex-.

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A meta-analysis. Personality and Social. Psychology Bulletin , 22 , — LaMar, L. Sex differences in attitudes towards gay men and. A multi-dimensional perspective. Jour nal of Sex Resear ch , 35 , — Lance, L. Heterosexism and homophobia among college students. Student Journal , 36 , — Social inequality on the college campus: A consideration of.
