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The researchers were only able to find 29 LGBT respondents, some of whom were foreigners. The amendment was primarily applied in cases of rape or child abuse wherein both attacker and victim are male, because existing law covers only assault of a woman by a man. If implemented, this law would impose death by stoning.

Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex LGBTI community reported unofficial and societal discrimination in public and private employment, housing, recreation, and in obtaining services including education from state entities. LGBTI individuals reported intimidation by police, including threats to make public their sexuality, to hamper their ability to obtain a government job, or to bar graduation from government academic institutions.

Members of the LGBTI community reported the government monitored their activities and communications. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. LGBT rights in Brunei. This section needs additional citations for verification.

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Find sources: LGBT portal Human rights portal.

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The Huffington Post. Retrieved 2 April The Daily Beast. The Independent. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved 28 March Brunei Times. Archived from the original on 13 March Human Dignity Trust.

Companies abandon Brunei's Dorchester hotel over gay sex law

Archived from the original on 6 April Retrieved CS1 maint: Archived copy as title link. Borneo Cities and towns Rivers Wildlife. Dollar currency Companies Telecommunications Tourism Transport airports. It delayed putting the measures into effect after they were greeted with international outrage. When the laws did take effect this month, rights groups raised the alarm, and celebrities and other public figures encouraged boycotts of businesses owned by the country and the family of its enormously wealthy leader, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah.

The sultan has in recent decades advocated for a hard-line vision of Islam. The new laws also introduced public flogging as a punishment for abortion, and criminalize exposing Muslim children to the beliefs and practices of other religions. Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, has called on Brunei to repeal the laws because they enshrine punishments that breach international human rights law.

The Sultan of Brunei: Opulence, Power and Hard-Line Islam

Introducing any law based on religious traditions, Ms. Bachelet said, must also take into account the rights of all citizens. She warned the new laws could encourage violence and discrimination against women, the L. Bachelet said. A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A4 of the New York edition with the headline:
