Gay dating for men with ed

A Dating Site for Men with Erectile Dysfunction? - The Good Men Project

Surgically implanted devices, which strengthen the penis from inside, are available for the very few people for whom producing an erection is not possible in any other way. DE has been considered a rare problem, but it is being seen more often in gay men referred to specialist clinics.

Retrograde ejaculation is where you may not see any fluid semen after orgasm. If this happens, you may also have noticed that when you first pass water after intercourse it is cloudy. This is because the semen is being expelled backwards into the bladder. If so, it can then usually be treated by a doctor. If you have a regular partner it is often useful if he goes to some of the clinic visits with you.

Together they will identify factors that trigger the problems and design a specific treatment programme to resolve or reduce their impact. Sex therapy is considered highly effective in addressing the main causes and contributing factors of sexual difficulties. And it helps people to develop healthier attitudes towards sex, improve sexual intimacy, become more confident sexually, and improve communication within the relationship. Sex therapy can also be used in combination with other forms of treatment.

Your GP or another health professional on the NHS may be able to refer you for sex therapy depending on area , or you can contact a therapist directly and pay privately. It is important to make sure that they are qualified and are registered with an appropriate professional body.

The GAy MEn Sex StudieS: erectile dysfunction among Belgian gay men

This mainly involves the use of mephedrone, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid GHB , gamma-butyrolactone GBL and crystal methamphetamine crystal meth. These drugs may be used alone or in combination to fuel sex sessions lasting several hours or days with multiple partners. There are serious health implications with this type of behaviour. You may become physically or psychologically dependent on the drugs. You may take an overdose by mistake. Different drugs may interact with each other or with alcohol.

Not sleeping or eating for days may harm your general health and wellbeing. Injecting drugs increases the risk of contracting HIV and hepatitis C, and unprotected sex particularly with different partners increases your risk of these and other sexually transmitted infections STIs. You can find information about local drug treatment services on the Frank website www. They should at least be able to direct you towards whatever services are available. Sexual problems may be a warning sign of other health problems — heed the warning and get checked out.

The Sexual Advice Association is here to help. We cannot give individual medical advice, but we can answer your questions on any sexual problems and put you in touch with local specialist practitioners. We also have a number of factsheets and booklets on sexual problems and related issues for men and women that can be downloaded from our website or requested. Invariably, these women share how the impotent men in their lives tend to be far more considerate in the bedroom.

This part is crucial, because impotence shame poisons the soil for any long-term intimate relationship regardless of how fertile it otherwise may be. In the immortal words of Robin Williams: When most of us guys get hard, it needs attention, like right now. It is the way we are genetically wired to spread our seed far and wide and often as possible as part of the grand plan to propagate the species. Unfortunately, this penile-centric approach to lovemaking does not always bode well for female partners.

So, while the male partner is almost always able to achieve orgasmic release through penetrative sex, many women are not. This can leave them feeling a bit used and unfulfilled in the intimacy department. Now men who have E. This allows them to slow way down for their partner and please her in the way she wants. And in doing so, he reaps the greatest intimate reward ever —knowing that he can genuinely please her like no other. During the talk she had been very attentive but not willing to risk asking a question or make a comment. She said, in no uncertain terms and no kidding whatsoever, that we or someone absolutely needs to create that kind of dating site.

Granted, this exchange was entirely anecdotal as was the feedback from all the other women we interviewed about men with E. However, she was so genuinely emphatic that it caused Jacqueline and I to wonder how many other women feel this way. So, if you are a heterosexual woman of any adult age reading this, we would love to know your thoughts on this topic. And, any stories you are willing to share about what it is like to have a man with E. Maybe, there is a place for this kind of dating site. If so, it could help millions of men find the love and fulfillment they seek and women find the partner they always dreamed of.

Michael is a prostate cancer survivor who was left completely impotent as a result of his treatments. Yet, it was because of his impotence that he and his partner discovered an entirely new approach to emotional, physical and spiritual intimacy that far exceeds anything either experienced prior to when things were working "correctly. He is an international speaker, author and thought leader on the issues of human connection and intimacy. Go to MichaelRusserLive.

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He completed the New Warrior Training Adventure in This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.

Struggling with ED. BUT, extremely sexual. Wish I just had someone who has same feelings and could deal with soft, hard n sometimes not hard at all. But I thi k its hopeless. So you can call me hopelessinkyED! It ruined the relationship I was in due to my SO believing it was due to attraction. I would love to talk to others like me or even someone that cares. Hi my names jessica. Im still young compared to most posting. But around 20 i was with a man about 2 years older who had ed and i can honestly say there was less judgment in that relationship then any others ive had.

My issue is when a man refuses to acknowledge that he does have an issue and neither speaks of it or gets help, but also then gets mad and refuses to even take care of me. But then tries to force himself inside me obviously unable to get hard. There is another area that can cause female and male too, I imagine disinterest in sex. Past sexual abuse. Due to childhood sexual abuse age 6 , I have never felt or enjoyed sex like other women.

But I love men.

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I love sharing. I love laughing. I love needing and being needed. Also while I can achieve an orgasm, the difference in intensity from intensity prior to surgery is substantial to huge. Sometimes I am not sure if I had one or not. One year ago, my relationship of 20 years ended horribly due to a combination of my dysfunction, clinical depression intensified by my dysfunction, and tensions over the way my ex spent money. I moved miles and have started over on many levels. I am 58 BTW.
