Gay millionaire dating

And I'm not even that responsible. I decided to remember that, for some other day when I felt like getting mad at him. It's my turn. How do they do it, anyway? I think this sounds very healthy. I just think if he did have money, it would be nice. Apparently he hadn't considered this as a possibility. You're presuming I won't like the guys I'm set up with.

There are millionaires in this world who are perfectly nice. And we're not even going to talk about what they look like. You're going to go out with a man actually looking for someone only interested in his money? The first thing they're doing is letting everyone know they're rich.

It's no different from hiring a therapist to help you with your problems.

This problem is just a very specific one. Langston looked at me incredulously. Apparently his eyebrows were frozen in the raised position. You're not looking at an ad for the Gay Good Personalities Club. Later that night at home, I pulled the ad from my pocket and unfolded it. Fate wanted me to pick up the phone. Please listen to these instructions carefully?

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You will be contacted on receipt of your materials. I opened my computer and found a recent picture of myself at the beach, and then typed some cheesy drivel highlighting my outgoing personality, sense of adventure and desire to meet a "successful" mate.

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I got a phone message the next day. I am the person in charge of your love life. I need you to come into my office so we can discuss your future. I arrived at my appointment 10 minutes early.

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A slightly disheveled-looking redheaded woman flew into the waiting room. I committed myself to trying my best. Please come in. Excuse the mess, but if I clean this place up I won't know where anything is.

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Her hot-rollered red hair fell loosely down to her shoulders, and the only makeup she seemed to wear was the lipstick on her smiling lips. By offering our services for free to those who qualify, GMC aims to attract men who would normally not join a dating service simply because it costs too much money. Instead, the millionaire pays a fee to cover both himself and the prospective date.

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While Judy declined to specify the exact amount, she did say it is in the "thousands" of dollars. According to Judy, the millionaires-who do not have to be actual millionaires, but still have to show documentation of their personal assets so Judy can decide whether they're rich enough-are all in their 40s or above. Apparently it takes a guy a while to make a lot of money. The non-millionaires are young-the median age is in the low 20s. And that's the way the millionaires like them. Within mere moments of my interview session, "What do you do for a living? When it came time for the picture, I excused myself to the restroom, so I could check my hair?

I returned to Judy's office, where I found her muttering absently as she frowned at the gadget in her hands. She just purchased a new digital camera, and after three days of photographing potential candidates for her millionaires to meet, she was working on faith that it actually saved the pictures she took. She had no idea which microscopic button was in charge of letting her see her past work. Where were those reading glasses, anyway?

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When I showed her how to use it, a string of smiling faces, all quite beautiful and quite young, and with identical sticky-uppy hairstyles, flashed across the screen. God help me if they had any brains or personality whatsoever, I thought. I won't have a chance against them. My heart sank to my guts as I subconsciously clenched my abs. Judy hoisted the camera into action. Steve is a year-old "businessman," living in LA's South Bay region, where he has lived for the past 20 years. Athletic, spontaneous and young-at-heart, he serves as CEO of the company he created himself back in the late 80s.

His kind nature often transcends into being "generous to a fault," and he enjoys lavishing his friends with the rewards available to a man of his financial resources. He admits to a quirky sense of humor, he likes to cook, he loves to travel, and he has just as much fun taking in a show in London as he does spending quiet evenings in his backyard jacuzzi.

And in his spare time, he is the Speedo-wearing superhero we all know as Superman Steve tagged me after reading my profile, seeing my picture and discussing me with dating-guru Judy. She felt our personalities would be a great mix, especially on the "quirky humor" aspect; I would just need to cope with his workaholic tendencies. I agreed to meet him at a glam Westside Asian-fusion restaurant for a 1: Judy instructed me to ask for the "Duke" party at the host stand, as she made the reservations under that name.

Her rules for the date were simple and clear: Do be on time. Do dress appropriately for the restaurant. Don't expect too much, it's just lunch. And once the check was paid, Judy's work was done. From then on we were on our own. Exchange phone numbers at your own risk.

Wearing my best white button-down shirt, my best jeans and my lucky underwear, I stepped out of my car and headed for the restaurant. I love that outfit. The heavyweight poplin shirt alludes to how I liked to read, while the jeans infer how I like to drink trendy cocktails at hip nightspots.

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And my underwear, a special pair of shorts that hike up my junk to make a nice bulge, make me look? This doesn't count, guys! The same goes for someone who says they are "in shape. This means that you actually go to the gym and are in good physical shape! Don't fall for this lie; make sure to clarify his gym routine! LIE 3: Sure, everything he's been telling you sounds amazing, but chances are it's all fluff! These guys are expert interviewers — don't fall for the amazing cologne and deep blue eyes! Put this guy through at least three dates to see if he's serious Some guys love to feed you the shtick: LIE 4: Sure, we should all give a guy a chance, but you're not a relationship teacher; you're a lover!

Don't get caught up in his web of excuses — you're either ready to settle down or you're not. Save your time and energy for someone seriously looking for commitment and not spring fling!

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LIE 5: But, alas, this is the worst kind of dater. They spend a good amount of time convincing everyone around them that they're not jaded or bitter about finding love — but they are. Sadly, it takes over his life.

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He'll try telling you he's just "being real," but this, my friends, is say it with me! Nothing you can do will "save" his point of view, except maybe a therapist, and you're likely not that. This kind of dater needs to learn to love himself first before he can love another. Bitter Betty will only suck the life and happiness out of you.
