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HIV risk and perceptions of masculinity among young black men who have sex with men. Journal of Adolescent Health. Malebranche DJ, et al.

Masculine socialization and sexual risk behaviors among Black men who have sex with men: A qualitative exploration. Men and Masculinities. The stages of Black identity development: Nigrescence models, in Black psychology. Jones R, editor. Cross WE. The psychology of nigrescence: Revising the Cross model, in Handbook of multicultural counseling. Sage; Thousand Oaks, CA: African American Gay Men and Lesbians: Examining the Complexity of Gay Identity Development.

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Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. The" hustle": A Qualitative Exploration. Concealable stigmas and positive self-perceptions: J Pers Soc Psychol. Social Support in Their Own Words. Journal of Homosexuality. Zimmerman L, et al. Resilience in Community: American journal of community psychology.

Connell RW. University of California Press; Berkeley: Cool pose: Hidden Voices of Black Men: The Meaning, Structure, and Complexity of Manhood.

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Journal of Black Studies. Quinn K, Dickson-Gomez J. AIDS Behav. Ward EG. Homophobia, hypermasculinity and the US black church. American Journal of Public Health. Balaji AB, et al. Role Flexing: Religiosity and Mental Health: A Meta—Analysis of Recent Studies. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Religion and spirituality: Linkages to physical health.

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Religious affiliation, internalized homophobia, and mental health in lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Meyer IH. Minority stress and mental health in gay men. Journal of health and social behavior. Herek GM, et al. Sex Res Social Policy. The black church in the African American experience.

Duke University Press; The Case of the African American Community.

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  5. American Behavioral Scientist. Sahgal N, Smith G. A religious portrait of African Americans. The Pew forum on religion and public life. Taylor RJ, et al. Black and White Differences in Religious Participation: A Multisample Comparison. Wilcox C, Gomez L. Sociology of Religion. Griffin H.


    Their own received them not: African American lesbians and gays in black churches. Theology and sexuality.

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    A developmental social psychology of identity: Journal of Adolescence. Arnett JJ. Emerging adulthood: The winding road from the late teens through the twenties. Oxford University Press; Pitt RN.

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    AIDS and Behavior. Jennings JM, et al. Sex Transm Dis. Mustanski B, et al. An Egocentric Network Study. Huebner DM, et al.
