Gay dating stories

People were still pissed at Ellen for kissing a woman on TV. I felt bad about it for leading that guy on but it didn't affect our work relationship. We kept hanging out after and it was never awkward. He did bring it up when he moved to a different city and thought it was funny how oblivious I was to the whole thing. He said it was refreshing. As far as I know that was the only gay date I have been on. The Bargain " Kissed another guy. It was the two of us and two girls.

Deal was if we kissed for fifteen seconds, the two of them would let us suck their boobs for ten seconds each. Good bargain IMO. They were both attractive while my friend and I were not. The Confidence Booster " At a party some time ago a really drunk guy came up to me and made out with me.

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I did not really have time to think so i just kind of froze in that moment. Then when the kissing ended he looked at me telling me 'I don't usually do that, but your [sic] kind of cute'. Maybe if he hadn't whined the whole time I could have had fun too. I was with my girlfriend at the time, she brought a friend, Sarah, and I brought my friend Darren. Sarah was super into Darren. Darren was super not into Sarah. Darren looked at her, patted her on the head, and said 'Okay goodnight. It had been going great up until dinner, when she stumbled over a curb.

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I went to catch her, and promptly whacked her in the face with my head. This actually broke her nose, which lead to me panicking and trying to fix it. Of course that was a bad idea, and I think I made her nose bleed more to be honest. He was a former marine who served in Vietnam and did the usual 'scare the bejesus out of the daughter's date' by coming out sharpening his kabar knife when I picked her up, needless to say he really didn't like or trust me after that.

So I guess it worked out OK in the end. I am fairly short. Felt great. I thought I was talking to my friend with the same name as my date. It was my date and not my friend. We had been talking for about weeks before we decided to meet up. Agreed that we would take my motorcycle out for a ride. We got off the bike, sat at a picnic table, and just talked for about an hour. We get up to leave, and I realize I left the lights on I'm like 'S, this battery is going to be toast Six months after the divorce I'm on my first date with a girl named Heidi.

She wanted to stop by a local tavern that was hosting a charity benefit. We did Walk in the front door and immediately I am face to face with the guy who screwed my wife. He attempted to say something to me and I immediately cut him off and threatened him rather harshly. He left. She said I should have punched him. Then went to a party at a mutual friend's house where I got black-out drunk and passed out and I was supposed to be the DD. We had a lot in common including our hobbies and politics and stuff like that, so I was thinking we might hit it off. Now bear in mind that I'm not super attractive so up to this point she hasn't seen any pictures of me, instead we have pre-arranged recognition signals.

She walks in the door and I spot her by her clothing instantly, and start waving. She gets this sort of uncertain look on her face and walks over and says 'Sam? Small talk fails and for 45 minutes she complains about how no one is refilling her wine glass she kills the glass every 20 seconds. I try to be civil and change the subject. Awkward conversational topics ensue, nothing even close to first date etiquette follows. Three quarters of the way through I go to the bathroom and our waiter walks by, asks me if we are doing a reality show or something along those lines, since he has seen this disaster in motion.

The date looked shocked and ended up not being able to pay her bill, so the friend who hooked us up got a call and flipped the rest of her check. I had previously made a 'bet' with her wherein if she won, I'd make her dinner and bake pie, but if I won she had to make out with me — either way, win-win, right? Midway through the flick, she says, 'I'm still a bit hungry — I think I'll go grab a quick bite of the leftovers.

I decide about 45 seconds later, as my stomach rumbles, that this sounds like a great idea. I was shocked — I'd never had a date try to rob me before. I asked, 'What the hell are you doing?

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At that point, I reached over to the counter and grabbed a slice of the pie. I looked her in the eyes and said, 'Don't forget your desert. She so happen to be a friend of my best friend's current girlfriend, so we decided to make it a double date. During the movie everything was going as planned, I sat by her while my friend sat with his girlfriend.

Then we see a couple of her b girlfriends walk into the theater, and who happen to see the girl I was with right away.

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When her friends got to where we were sitting, the girl I asked out turns to me and asked, 'Can you scoot down a seat so I can sit next to my friends? And to add insult to injury, she stayed there, and her friends ate the popcorn I bought.

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We went and saw a movie, then went out for dinner. I was nervous and awkward, and it ended without much fanfare. The date went OK, and there wasn't a second one, but that's not the bad part. And I saw her there, and was afraid it might be a little awkward. I had no idea. About an hour into the party, she came up and started talking to the mutual friend, while I was standing nearby.

After a few minutes of talking, the girl I had gone on a less-than-awesome date with came up and introduced herself to me. She ordered the twin lobster tails dinner and proceeded to tell him 'My boyfriend will love this' while boxing up the 1. They didn't go out again, needless to say. I thought it was kind of odd that he was suddenly interested in me, but I agreed to go.

When we came back, my windshield was smashed and two of my tires were flat. His response: I just got out of a bad relationship. I took her out that night to a nice restaurant.

We had a few drinks at the restaurant. She said she wasn't feeling well. Apparently she was on some medicine that made alcohol twice as powerful and she was a total lightweight. I offered to take her home, and she ended up puking in my brand new car.
