Gay psoriasis dating

Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud or phishing, show more. Any groups for gay men with psoriasis? Report Abuse.

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Are you sure that you want to delete this answer? Yes No. Answers Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Source s: Add a comment. Psoriasis is generally unappealing to look at, and people with it who are dating often look for support groups. So, the original poster was looking for gay men who have had relationship issues related to having psoriasis.

Psoriasis is totally curable But it has nothing to do with being gay. There are many gay men who have psoriasis. Because coal tar makes skin more sensitive to ultraviolet UV light, it is sometimes combined with ultraviolet B UVB phototherapy. Coal tar is safer than steroids but is messy, smelly and less effective.

SCAT treatment is the short contact treatment with anthralin. Anthralin is a very old treatment for psoriasis, but because it stains skin and clothing brown or purple it has fallen out of favor. To limit the staining an especially washable form Micanol cream is used for a to minute application, then carefully washed off with tepid water.

There are no dangerous side effects, and no long term skin damage, but this treatment often fails to completely clear psoriasis and it may irritate the skin so it is unsuitable for acute or actively inflamed eruptions. Salicylic acid is added to other creams to remove scales, and is in some non-prescription creams. It is combined with topical steroids, anthralin, or coal tar. Tazorac is a newer psoriasis gel that may be very effective. Like Dovonex it is irritating, but it has the special benefit of clearing psoriasis for a longer time after it is stopped than any other topical medication.

It is often combined with topical steroids to limit the irritation. It is not clear it is safe for pregnant women, and may cause sun sensitivity where it is applied. Psoriasis sufferers may find that a medicated bath may help soothe the skin, remove scales and reduce itching. These are done by soaking 15 minutes in oatmeal Aveeno colloidal oilated oatmeal , Epsom salts or Dead Sea salts, or Tar Zetar emulsion, Balnetar oil. Application of a greasy ointment after the bath is particularly helpful. Ultraviolet light inhibits the immune system cells in the skin, and stimulates production of activated vitamin D.

These slow the excessive of skin growth that causes scaling. Sunlight and tanning booths tend to be less effective, but can be used if an appropriate plan is followed. UVB Phototherapy.

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Apr 07, 3: I have had Psoriasis on and off for 40 years. It is an autoimmune illness.

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  4. Other things like allergies and stress can trigger it. If you have medical insurance, go to a Dermatologist.

    Any groups for gay men with psoriasis?

    If no insurance, go to a free clinic. There are foods to avoid. Getting enough sleep can also help. Steroids like prednisone are tough and have their own side affects. I use betamethasone valerate to treat my cystic psoriasis, which is very painful. If you tackle it systemnatically, from several vantage points, you should make a significant dent in its impact.

    Also, there is no specific bullet to treat with one apprioach. The allergy factor, soaps, food, stress, etc. Become educated and monitor yourself and establish a healthy baseline in your life. Good Luck. Also, if people comment on your skin, tell them to go procreate themselves in public. The very best. Cannon Posts: Apr 07, 5: I work at Lush and people, especially with eczema and psoriasis, go crazy over these two products.

    I don't have either skin condition, but my skin is extremely sensitive, and I can attest that they are miracle workers. Both products are actually made in the Vancouver kitchens. If you've never tried anything from Lush, I suggest you go in and ask for samples of the two products and see how they work on your skin. We love giving samples out. This creamy Smoothie is made for those of you with sensitive, itchy, rashy and sunburnt skin.

    We put the most soothing ingredients in for optimal results, including calamine powder, aloe vera gel, rose and chamomile. It smells rather herby because it's full of herbs. Lather this soft pink soap all over to calm down your skin and when you're done in the shower, rub on our best-selling body lotion Dream Cream to make your skin so happy it'll think it's dreaming.

    If you've got skin with severe problems, you could spend your whole life dreaming of a clear, trouble-free epidermis. Give our best-selling Dream Cream a try; we get loads of emails about how well it works. With a base of oat milk traditionally used to calm skin , it's packed with every calming plant we could find: If it seems nothing works to calm your skin, apply a healthy dose of this, our best-selling cream.

    You can thank us later. CincyBOJ Posts: Apr 07, 7: I use betamethasone and now added to that, methotrexate. I recently had a break out that covered a very large area using that much topical caused very uncomfortable spikes in my blood pressure. Just be glad you do not have the arthritis version of psoriasis. Keep on eye on your joint health too. Apr 07, 8: Sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

    Psoriasis is very common, but the first thing to do is get a second opinion and possibly a biopsy. Not everything that looks like Psoriasis really is and even dermatologists have a hard time distinguishing between Psoriasis, Eczema and other similar skin problems. If it is Psoriasis, I highly recommend trying these remedies: It's a type of soap that used to be popular and isn't so much today.

    You can get it online and it'll probably take some experimenting to find a brand that doesn't smell weird because it's made of animal fat 3 For periods when your skin is inflamed, try applying pure Aloe Vera. Some studies have compared its effectiveness to Cortisone creams and it's natural. Some techniques that can help are meditation, slow breathing techniques and Yoga.

    Hope this helps. Good luck! Wow thanks to all of you! Has anyone tried this? Any success? I think a big problem is also, being in Vancouver now, its wet all the time.


    Exam and essays due now, so I'm stressed to the max, first year in Uni. But thank you to everyone, I've definitely gotta try some of these things out! Apr 07, 9: Hi, I've had it since my early twenties. Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise! Having this is the best reason to run around with practically nothing on during the summer. I know that because you feel like crap with a breakout all over you this can be hard, but if necessary try taking a book into a screened off area of the backyard.

    Does anyone else have psoriasis?

    However, always tan safely, as overdoing it may bring it back. The red lesions will turn to white normal skin after a couple of good days in the sun and then you need another little while to get the white spots tanned up to match the rest of the body - But it's worth it as this can keep the spots away for months. There is a theory that there's something about the way we can't handle vitamin D that affects this so make sure you take your vitamins and eat foods high in vitamin D like oily fish.

    Use the creams sparingly.

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    As Psoriasis encourages the skin to grow up to 20 times as fast, the way they all work is to thin the skin. Obviously this isn't particularly great for anywhere but especially for delicate skin like that on your face. My main advice is: Keep training. Keep your body looking good and don't let the little spots run your life. Apr 07, Would you believe I used to have it on my ass?

    Psoriasis and Gay - @nilmov - Psoriasis - TalkPsoriasis Support Group & Community - Inspire

    I did, which made gym class a horrifying experience. A dermatologist gave me something for it that cleared it right up when I was 12 or Haven't had it since, and I honestly don't know what she gave me. I had pretty bad eczema since I was a baby up until college. It was all over my arms and legs. It sucked. It's not the same as psoriasis but treated similarly and going to the beach was the best treatment.. Not sure if it's because of the sun or the salt water or the lack of allergens or all three.

    The salt water baths helped, but I always heard you should use sea salt, not table salt.
