Persona 5 gay dating

Feels… different, but I like it. I like it too. From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as Eagle One. Ann, code name — Been There, Done That.

Can You Be Gay? – Persona 5

Futaba is — Currently Doing That. Akechii is…Eagle Two. So which of the girls have you chosen as your waifu? My what now?

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I wonder if Persona 6 will risk tampering with that formula. In the comments, Baulderstone recalled another arcade game with a similar sense of humor:. Splatterhouse was a game with a similar sense of humor. One of the early levels ends with a poltergeist room. You need to smash the objects coming at you from the sides and you get subtly herded into the middle of the room. Eventually the room stops shaking, and the objects stop coming. You breath a sigh of relief, and about five seconds pass before the chandelier belatedly comes loose and crushes you if you are still in the dead center of the screen.

Is it unfair? All games were about memorizing patterns. That made games with particularly complicated and comically timed patterns appealing to me.

Taking a look at the LGBT representation in Persona 5 (Light Spoilers)

What better time to revisit it then with the release of a new Telltale game? In my mind, the recent Batman Telltale game is a remarkable illustration of this. Batman is almost universally known as a character at least among the kind of people buying video games in She is punk as hell and spends half the game feeding you experimental medicine that has drastic side-effects, sometimes knocking you out for hours at a time and leaving you with no memory of what took place.

These are your adult romance options in Persona 5. Three women at various crisis points in their careers and lows in their personal lives, desperate and lonely and vulnerable. And along come you, the player, a kid with a dangerous rep and a pretty haircut, ready to sit, listen to their problems and offer all the help they need, up to and including stealing the hearts of the men and women who have led to their downfall.

On the other hand, the doctor is hot. Functionally, your relationships with these characters are no different than any other in the game. You spend time with them, you listen, you say the right things, you go some places with them, and over time your bonds of friendship will grow.

Persona 5 Gay Guys Attack & Hitting On Girls

This is a high school kid. With a grown-up.

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There are lot of things to unpack. Aside from the obvious moral considerations present, especially when it comes to dating your teacher , there are also legal issues! And why the teacher you can date happens to also moonlight as a maid, that most well-worn of otaku tropes, and who is scruffy by day but cute as a button by night.

Why doesn't this game let you date guys? - Persona 5 Message Board for PlayStation 4 - GameFAQs

Some of whom are around your age and spend time with you eating ramen and working out and studying. Now, all this is coming from my perspective, as a heterosexual male who played the game as such. Would I see this differently were the protagonist a girl and the doctor, journalist and teacher all grown men? Or if the player had the option to pursue a gay relationship? So I asked Persona 5 fansite Kotaku. She had.


The answer was a little bit of both. I know I am actually playing a teenage boy having an inappropriate relationship with an adult, but it also feels like I am playing a version of myself that actually did ask out that cute, punk-y senior girl that I longed for as a freshman in high school.
