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The first client I encountered was a 47 year old Bulgarian man who had a rape fantasy. I stood there overpowered with a fear of the unknown.

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The confidence I had at the start of the night began to dwindle as I stared into the abyss and it stared straight back at me. Afterwards I thought to myself how bizarre it was to be both present but at the same time not at all present in a situation.

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In the aftermath of my social experiment all I felt was a chilling numbness that both terrified me and exhilarated me. As far as I was concerned I had money to put food in my pantry and bus money to get to university. Another client, a 67 year old married gentleman, paid for over-the-phone services.

He whispered down the phone for the duration of our session because, as he claims, his wife was asleep next to him. To add insult to injury, after the session had ended he admitted he could not pay me in cash but only with weed. I accepted. As a gay sex worker I often ricocheted between earning a living and the moral dilemma of who my clientele consisted of.

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Voluntary sex-work is far from the way it is often glamorised in pop-culture, but for some it is a means of living. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account.

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How Chris Watts invited gay escort to his home and introduced him to daughters

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