Is lucas cruikshank dating gay

The BFF's, who are in bed the entire time b t dubs, proceed to giggle a great deal and the year-old Cruikshank explains that he's been out to those close to him, but never felt the need to publicly announce it. Veal even sneaks in a question about whether or not Cruikshank would date her if he was straight. It's probably the most adorable coming out you will ever see. I don't dislike you because you're gay. I dislike you because you're one of the most annoying humans on the planet.

Lucas Cruikshank, a.k.a YouTube’s ‘Fred,’ Has Biggest Video in Months After Announcing He’s Gay

I never gave you permission too do the things you did And this matters WHY? As long as we continue to make such a big deal out of who's straight and who's gay, we continue to feed the divisive atmosphere. The only way this would matter is if I was trying to hook up with him — if I was a straight girl, I'd know I'm out in the cold, and if I was a gay guy, I'd know I might have a shot.

Here's why it matters: I agree, we are not yet to the point where it doesnt matter. It matters because of the inequiality and hatred directed at gay people. The more people get to "know" gays even through TV characters or actors the better and more normalized it will seem to the general public. This is a good thing. In 20 years, it won't matter. Fred, do you think people are so oblivious that we didn't already know this fact from the first time anyone hears you open your mouth?????

Trust me, anyone who owns a TV knew this about you already. Why is this news?

Who is Lucas Cruikshank’s boyfriend? Lovelife about Lucas Cruikshank

I am so glad that before I started reading this article I decided I better take a seat. WOW the overwhelming shock.

Lucas Cruikshank Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

WOW Never in a million years would I have thought he was gay. I mean look how manly he is. Rough and tough looking. That's no surprise and I'm aware that this is a slightly biased comment, with apologies to more mature gay people. I dislike Cruishank's antics as a so-called actor.

He's part of the same generation of Nickelodeon actors that brought down Nick's quality programming. There is nothing as stimulating or intelligent today on Nickelodeon. Except some cartoons. These bimbos have an agenda and if they keep you sucked in and the only person that will be into trouble for this will be him and only him. I would pull back from this disaster project that frankly the concept does not work and remember they have an agenda and the agenda is too make sure you remain sucked in.


Well, I actually am surprised I thought his act was just that, an act. If you didn't know that already, your gaydar is seriously in need of repair. Sniffed that out in about four minutes of watching Fred! Why are we all surprised? Nonetheless, he is still a funny guy —So go Lucas! Hmm, I see the big picture now. We have a world population problem. If the governments, and companies promote gay we may have a reduction in population growth. Thank you UN! It won't be so bad. Maybe he can even teach them the difference between "our" and "are", since you obviously can't.

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Lord come on the guy is a one gay pride man paraide warring to happen just by opening his mouth you can tell he is gay. He is both annoying and fascinating, cute as a button and wierd looking, cuddly and repellant.

Lucas Dating A Boyfriend:

How fun. And talented, at becoming famous. Must be Gay! Is anyone shocked? My kids watch that show and I didn't even have to look at the screen to figure that out. I've never watched Fred or whatever it is, but that girl is a hoot. Everybody should have her as their best friend. We all knew before this video, I am sure your family and friends knew before 3 years ago too. Suprise, suprise!

Lucas Cruikshank Biography - Affair, In Relation, Nationality, Net Worth, Height

My kid said that "Fred" was a couple of years ago You must be logged in to post a comment. Our daily cheat-sheet for breaking celebrity news, Hollywood buzz and your pop-culture obsessions. Kaley Cuoco has babies on the brain. Ricky Gervais' David Brent gets a movie. Kim and Kanye's new love nest. Not even Franco can break Colbert. Beyonce responds to divorce rumors. The return of Hilary Duff, the singer. When 'Family Guy' meets 'The Simpsons'. A 'hammered' Sheen goes to Taco Bell. Houston's mom slams Lifetime biopic.

Pixie Lott and Lucas Cruikshank chat 'Fred: The Movie'

Share this on: November 1, at 4: September 18, at 1: Namloh Drareg Enjoy your talk with the wall, delusional, err, I mean, blessed. Fred's gay? He'll land on his feet. He's a cute little pup and talented too. September 18, at 3: Jckson null I don't dislike you because you're gay. September 17, at 5: September 12, at The Eternal Satyr um He's so gay, he makes gay people look straight.

September 12, at 6: September 12, at 1: Your on watch as a felon Rsh No!!! But really who cares? September 12, at 9: WIN September 11, at Larry And this matters WHY? Otherwise, who cares? September 10, at The more gay people that come out, the more the lies are de-fanged.

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