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The Jalisco bar is threatened but still open for the time being. Check out campy stage shows at the Cavern Club in the basement of Casitas del Campo. Also, look at the schedule for events at the Red Cat which is attached to Disney Hall.

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Vers bottom latino cub here, looking for friends, fuck buds or just someone to hang out. Hit me up. Love Bears n hairy men. RSVP at spotlightparty. The Roosterfish in Venice Beach is closing in May. There will soon be no more gay bars on the westside of LA, sigh…. Can you guys help me out? Hey Nicco, I believe Rage in West Hollywood has an 18 and over night but most LA gay drinking establishments are 21 and over sorry to say. For all of you Buttheads visiting LA, three new gay bars have opened in downtown LA, which is where the most excitement and energy is in the city these days.

No Pistons bar? I rode though in a couple of times on a 3 month summer ride and enjoyed both Pistons and Faultline.

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It was funny, I was taking photos of guys in the chairs and getting their email to send them a photo release form when the manager comes up and asks what the hell am I doing with the camera in a place like that. So the next thing I know I am get free beer for the night, then the power goes out for a whole hour and things got interesting pretty quickly, and about 2: At pistons it was slow on a Sunday afternoon, but I talked to some bike people and two Sisters that were a whole lot of fun.

Thanks for the Pistons report Pup! Sounds like a blast. Award winning writer and director Heath Daniels is Casting attractive, inshape men for Nick Jonas video. The lyrics of the song were written on them. We are shooting an all male, gay version of the video. Must be comfortable dancing with shirt off, gay content and having lyrics written on you in washable marker. This is not an official video but fan videos are very popular and massive exposure is guaranteed. If you are a dancer that can do simple choreography please include that in your notes.

Please include pic and resume in email. You will be required to remove your shirt for shooting of video so please include shirtless picture with submission if you have one. Please check out Nick Jonas lyric video online for further details.

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Went to North Hollywood Spa and had some fun. The great experience came from the cool guy I met there. Hurray for you Paul. Time for another great Spotlight party downtown, this time on Saturday Sept Flex has finally reopened her doors. See the list above for info. Close to interesting cafes, bars, markets, etc. In Silverlake, I know of a couple places you can rent.

Message me. The next Spotlight Party downtown is on Saturday, July 19th. Flex Baths closed at least temporarily.

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The rumor is that a tweaker was having issues and staff put him in a booth to chill and they found him in the morning dead. Who knows if that is true. Next one is June 7th! I need to update the Fagmap soon but wanted everyone to know that MJs Bar in gentrified, family-fried Silverlake is now closed and middle-eatern hot spot Club Nur is moving to Here in West Hollywood.

Just like in the mid 20th Century, Downtown LA is once again alive with gay life. You should add the Slammer to the fag mag. Great dark room action, slings for fucking in, and plenty of dirty-minded guys. Thanks for the comment Ben. Can you confirm? I made it out of there without getting crabs or scabies. Going to L. Where should we go in terms of hip gay clubs? The Bullet is fun.

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The book fair was off the hook this year, one of the most fun events with the hottest art fags from all over S. Everyone needs to come out for this event next year! Oh, and Joan Crawford is in it. Had delicious Burmese food last night at Yoma Myanmar, E. The place is not fancy but the food is amazing and very inexpensive.

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A welcome break from Thai and Indian food! The mimosas are strong and gays a plenty. Plus the Soyrizo Scramble is off the hook. Not only is it the best Mexican homestyle food in Silver Lake the owners are and their family are some of the most humble, hardworking and nicest people on the planet. Not to mention, their son is an the military and continues to serve in the middle east. The and The Baazar interesting choices. Bazaar is dinner as theater and as douchey and sceney as it is, it is as specific to the LA experience as Sapp or El Taurino.

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