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Cleaning yourself before sex can also make you feel more comfortable. Some men prefer to just clean the outside area, rather than cleaning inside. Read more about possible bowel problems after prostate cancer treatment. Current guidelines say that prostate cancer is not more common in men who have HIV. Studies suggest that treatments for prostate cancer, such as surgery and radiotherapy, do work for men who have HIV. This is because HIV drugs can react with some other medicines, which can cause side effects that may be serious.

Some bleeding after treatment is normal and should get better by itself. Some men find that their doctor, nurse or radiographer assumes they are heterosexual. All hospitals should ask patients about their sexuality.

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This helps health professionals to give care and support that is right for each person. Information you give will be recorded confidentially and will stay private. Some men might worry that they will be judged or treated differently because of their sexuality, and we know that some men have had bad experiences in the past. If this has happened to you, you may find it more difficult to be open about your sexuality with your doctor or nurse. Most health professionals will have had equality and diversity training, and they have a legal duty to provide fair and equal services to all people.

You might find it helpful to take your partner or a friend with you for support. You might also find it helpful to take this booklet with you to your appointments. You can also get information and support from Stonewall — a charity that provides information about gay rights. Many men find it helpful to bring a partner or friend with them to appointments for extra support. Your husband or civil partner has an equal right to be your nearest relative. This means they can be involved in decisions about your healthcare. Next of kin can be anybody in your social or family group. Some men choose a close friend who they trust.

Health professionals must respect your wishes about who this is. If you give permission, your partner or friend can: Prostate Cancer UK's services are free and open to everyone, whether you are gay, bisexual, a trans person, heterosexual, single or in a relationship. Partners and family members can also use our services. We're running a series of online groups for gay and bisexual men, and men who have sex with men.

The online groups are for men affected by prostate cancer to share, learn from and get support from others with similar experiences. You can join the live discussion by video, or audio-only.

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Find out more. There are also some support groups in the UK for gay and bisexual men with prostate cancer. The main ones are listed here. Accept all cookies.

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You are here: On this page. Testing for prostate cancer Treatments for prostate cancer Side effects of prostate cancer treatment HIV and prostate cancer Talking about your sexuality Including your partner, family or friends Getting more support References. Testing for prostate cancer Tests for diagnosing prostate cancer are the same for everyone. Digital rectal examination DRE This is where your GP feels your prostate through the wall of your back passage rectum. Prostate biopsy This involves using thin needles to take small pieces of tissue from the prostate.

Treatments for prostate cancer There are several ways to treat or monitor prostate cancer. Side effects of prostate cancer treatment All treatments have side effects, and some of these may be particularly relevant to you as a gay or bisexual man. Sexual side effects Treatments for prostate cancer can cause sexual side effects.

How Gay Are You?

These include: Talking about your sexuality Some men find that their doctor, nurse or radiographer assumes they are heterosexual. Including your partner, family or friends Many men find it helpful to bring a partner or friend with them to appointments for extra support. Getting more support Prostate Cancer UK's services are free and open to everyone, whether you are gay, bisexual, a trans person, heterosexual, single or in a relationship.

Services include: Support groups Our online group discussions We're running a series of online groups for gay and bisexual men, and men who have sex with men. Other support groups There are also some support groups in the UK for gay and bisexual men with prostate cancer. Out with Prostate Cancer Manchester. Find out more Out with Prostate Cancer - Midlands. Read more about support groups. References Updated: October Is rectal douching and sharing douching equipment associated with anorectal chlamydia and gonorrhoea?

A cross-sectional study among men who have sex with men. Sex Transm Infect. The Lancet [Internet]. Gay Men and Prostate Cancer: Invisible Diversity. J Clin Oncol. HIV Med. Cancer Research UK.

What Type Of Gay Male Are You?

Cancer incidence for common cancers [Internet]. Available from: Prostate cancer incidence statistics: Lifetime risk of prostate cancer [Internet]. Caregiving and social support for gay and bisexual men with prostate cancer.


The impact of physical activity on psychosocial outcomes in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer: A systematic review. Health Psychol. Cornell D. J Gay Lesbian Psychother.

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Department of Health. Dowsett GW. Reprod Health Matters. A National Survey. J Gen Intern Med. Equality Act A Systematic Review. View the discussion thread.

Testing for prostate cancer

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