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Georgian Orthodox priests, [1] up to 20, [2] [3] "ultra-conservative Orthodox supporters" [4]. Georgia country portal LGBT portal. BBC News. Retrieved 18 May New York Times.


Retrieved 20 May Russia Today. Sexual mores in Georgia and Denmark".

Tbilisi anti-homophobia rally protests - Wikipedia

BBC World Service. Civil Georgia. Retrieved 17 May Government of the Netherlands. Westerwelle kritisiert georgische Regierung".

Spiegel Online. Retrieved 19 May Archived from the original on 19 October Homophobic violence mars Tbilisi Pride event". Everyone there is comfortable with everyone.

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Bassiani is a famous place. It has become a symbol of just how far the country has come in the last few years. Led by priests in full vestments, and in full sight of the police, the mob descended on the fleeing activists, trapping them in municipal busses and pursuing them through the centre of the city. The activists were lucky to escape with their lives. Four arrests were made but there were no convictions. And, like, 10 or 15 minutes after the pogrom, as soon as I realised that I escaped I started thinking.

I saw the situation in which we were living, and I started thinking that we had to become more resistant. We had to change the direction of the movement.

LGBT rights in Georgia (country)

Something which combines culture, entertainment, music. So when Bassiani started, this idea evolved quite naturally. The organisers knew there were risks involved when they planned the first Horoom.

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But it went really smoothly. Nobody could have predicted it.


But in spite of the initial fears of the organisers, the party is going from strength to strength. The success of Horoom is attributable both to the passion and drive of its organisers—both from the clubbing side and the NGO side — but also to the breakneck pace of change in Georgian society as a whole. When asked how the situation has changed since he was pogrommed in , Kikonishvili just says: In recent local elections, an out gay woman, Nino Bolkvadze, stood as a candidate.

The name Horoom comes from a celebrated Georgian war dance, the khorumi. William Dunbar Image: Music Tbilisi Georgia Culture.
