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I'm Henri, Let's have a good fun together! Hey lads!!! Easy going boy from Brazil very horny and always looking for f I'm 24 years old You're stressed with the problems of everyday life come relax with the late Assunto profissional! I'm a nice boy, looking to have and to make good moments, in bed or outside Last Online: My Hashtags:. Map Me. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

All you need to know about the gay scene in Brazil

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Gay Rio De Janeiro

Descobridor do sexo e seus prazeres. August This review is Give a comment on this review. May Gay Tripadvisor February November October Abramelin January Write a review. Chael put an end to it — then came out.

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How One t. April Search for:. Club Sauna.

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Branch of business: March Gay friendly hotels in Rio de Janeiro. Show map Escorts of heaven I love gay for pay and if you're good looking this place is even better sure the escorts hover over the older guys who will pay top reais but if you want a good hot time and quickie you could bargain a bit. Jan it's Peak season especially on Tuesdays were the rooms are free.

You'll find yourself waiting for an hour to two hours just to have a room. And the guys are less likely to come down on price. I had this super nice and porn vid hot escort that attempted to get a bit more to cum, I declined but he was so horny he busted his nut all over my chest anyway. It was awesome. The tough thing are the regulars, they hog up the escorts time. These escorts could be smarter businessmen if they knew the first timers are eager to jump in.

Large variety, good deals! I'm in the same boat as the guy who posted in November young, pretty fit, decent looking, crap luck at clubs and bars meeting guys.

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If you love gay-for-pay, straight bait, macho guys, this is the place to go! I think there were a few delicate guys, but very rare. The ratio of escorts to clients far favors the clients. It seems like there are a lot of regulars there too. Met a few tourists, one naively attempted to nab a guy leagues hotter than him without paying. Don't do that. No money, no love is the name of the game at this place!

I was thinking I would be propositioned a bit more here than my previous experience, but as luck would have it, it wasn't the case.

Gay Saunas, Cinemas, and Sex Clubs of Rio de Janeiro |

Note for younger guys: I asked one of the guys about lack of being approached. Apparently if you're not a more mature patron, the garotos working boys assume you might be the new kid on the block and thus not approach you or assume that you are more difficult of a sale than an older guy. Au contraire mon frere, I think young guys are the best clients, because we wanna get down to business and get going, not lounge around and take up the working boy's time!

Oh well Admittedly, I do feel a bit "cheated" that I wasn't caressed and cooed like the elderly or even not so elderly but a bit Maybe they were regulars.

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I couldn't help but hire two. Tall, muscular, masculine, hetrosexual guys. Neither was particularly passionate. The first one was all business and a huge jerk when I got cold feet initially , the second was slightly more affectionate, but after he was really touchy feely and kissy with some of the previous mentioned clientele: I think my mistake was I didn't ho and hum like a lot of guys, in which case if the guy thinks you might be interested, he'll try making all the moves so you hire him.

Room was free for 30 minutes Tuesday only. I appreciated the well light areas because I want to see what I'm getting!

Gay Dating in Rio de Janeiro

Overall a fun first time experience. Useful tips: Credit card accepted to pay your sauna bill not the escorts Taxis in front or close by Metro station Gloria close by as well along with police officers: Don't try to get a freebie, it isn't going to work, even with the gay ones but they will really try to get you to hire them Layout: Good place to see the merchandise.

Further there's a bar disco area and continuing on is a smoking patio where a lot of them hang out. Upper level: Simply heaven November Place is well lit and I like that. You see what you buy! A safe location, a feast for the eyes. Half of the boys are muscled bombs. I don't think they perform well ;- But the other half and that's still sometimes over 30 garotos will cause big difficulties to choose from.

Guide to Latin America

Luckilly they are quite talented in getting your attention and before you are aware of it, you are already in a suite with a cutie. Be careful and talk first about the price, and what's on your menu card. Otherwise you will be cheated. A bit overpriced, as there are too many foreign visitors, not aware of real Brazilian incomes. And for you. Wow, walking gods I'm a young, attractive guy from the US with a good body. Unfortunately I didn't really meet anyone at clubs and bars in Rio and was told about Club by some friends in the US.

I've always had bad experiences in the few saunas I've been to but boy was this different. The guys there are some of the most beautiful and perfect specimen of men I've ever seen. White, latino, black, lean to really muscular, all with big dicks. The downside is that every single guy who is attractive there is for sale, not just there for fun. Basically the working boys outnumber the regular costumers by a lot and the regular customers are almost exclusively older guys. So don't plan on going there if you don't want to pay. The place was a little too bright but literally just a playground with guys standing everywhere in towels, stroking their dicks to entice you or just chatting amongst themselves and stroking their dicks.

All the "boys" know each other and I was amazed to see that they fuck multiple people while they are there and manage to stay hard. I played with 3 guys because I really couldn't help myself, they were so beautiful!! After a minute it didn't matter to me since they were so good looking with ridiculous muscular bodies HUGE dicks. But one darker black latino guy was really passionate and into it and the sex was amazing.

He was very friendly and talked about his girlfriend after I'm pretty sure they are all straight. I will definitely go back but will contain myself a little more. One golden hour Being married and Brazilian I suppose I'm an atypical reviewer in this English language gay guide. But maybe my comments could be useful for other men like myself who sometimes feel tempted to visit places like Club as a healthy break of the conjugal routine.

This is what I did recently on a visit to Rio: I was more than a bit nervous when registered at the entrance counter, in fact a quick and discreet formality where you give a name - any name - and receive a token with a number. Then you can wander along the wide corridors or take the stairs that lead to bars, sauna, tv room and lounges.

I soon spotted other men of my age and probably married condition having drinks and talking among themselves or with the boys. Those are obviously the great attraction of the house:
