Zeb atlas gay dating

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Consult a thesaurus or a dictionary before putting down your thoughts for the internet to see. Because they are incorrect. Zeb is simply dodging the question so as not to answer properly.

Hey Gerudur, stop being a twat. It feels like everyday there is a new term for a sexual orientation, and besides that, why do you give a damn? Accept it and go do something with your life. Sexual is pretty vague. And what he describes is the definition of bisexual. Or are you saying we should stigmatize bisexuality by pushing for other alternative terms?

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Anything with a hole and a pulse haha. But no Zeb is awesome. No disrespect to my god, muscle god: You bitches know good and damn well that every last one of you would worship at his cock and throw on your helium-heels and beg him to breed your worn out asses! So shut up with all the fake bitchy pissin and moanin!

And uh DUH — have ya ever watched any of his flicks? Jealous buncha hooker whores! Ya just wish you were lucky enough to be me! What a douche. Rethink that, sir. Raging Stallion needs to lay off the fucking photoshop.. Just worse. Are They Supposed to Be Sexy? I mean, really? No one appreciates your labels. Take inventory on your own flaws before you start guessing others.

He works. Of course, he left gay porn and worked in the Straight industry for years developing a brand and lied for awhile about it. But, no one blinked an eye when it got attention. And these men complain about getting jobs that pay decent for male talent. Generally, nothing about him would do it for me. Dumb tattoo, obvious steroids, blank stare, not traditionally handsome.

Will someone please stop photoshopping the cocks in these pictures? He is nowhere near that big.. Normally a gay will just admit being gay excluding the lame write-ups on Sean Cody, Corbin Fisher et al. Saw a video interview he did once a while back, and he seems like a really nice guy who DOES appreciate his fans.

Ruff Ruff! These Two Their Enjoy Scruff! Of Course They Were.

Zeb Atlas and Matthew Rush

Check in to Room JJ Knight Overthinks It. Netflix Is Our Greatest Ally. Prove Me Wrong. So That Explains It. Jail Baited. Jock Talk: Aged Meat is Delicious. What do you think?


As some say, actions speak more than a thousand words. Yes it does. I love him… Im a big fan since he used to jerk off with mark dalton… he looks like a very sweet guy… thank god he said he plans more movies this year.. Quit having sex with men if you are not gay, Brainiac! We got to meet at an LA bar a few years ago. No pension plan, no paid benefits, no career longevity. Will someone please tell me why they do it? The type has never been a big turn on for me.

Zeb Atlas: "I Don't Care For Labels" - The Sword

The problem was that the fans never really decided that Zeb Atlas was that big of a star. David Forest and the studios did before he appeared, and no one really cared all that much when he appeared because he looked inhuman and fake. I meet Zeb in the Faultline bar. Kind of quiet and stayed to himself and two buddies. Somone posted this recently on a Facebook thread about him He is.

Not only is the Vegas location a HUGE success, but it is currently being franchised all across the country. Zeb is making more money now than he ever has before. I have no experience with porn other than watching copious amounts of it, but I always figured the porn was to get well known.

The money was in the merchandise and personal appearances, not that much money but if you did enough personal appearances you could make a pretty decent living. Yes indeed, we too use "cookies. I know we do! You can thank the EU parliament for making everyone in the world click on these pointless things while changing absolutely nothing.

Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site for your pointless bitchery needs. And then couldn't even get that. So says his manager who has a prison record. Oh, the humanity!!! His fee went directly inversely proportional to his steroid use. At that rate they can make more by escorting. Think of what he could have made if he didn't have tinymeat.

Seriously R2.

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He was not making a scene in porn. How long before he bottoms on camera for the extra bump in pay? I imagine Atlas is at the point in his porn career now that he'll perform for an eight ball.

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Zeb Atas: He really was hot before he got too roided out. Once we've seen it, we're not going to pay to see it again. Hey, youv'e got to make a living,. But I don't find Adam Killian attractive in the least. At least I find Zeb slightly attractive.

Zeb Atlas Showing Big Package

Yes, he was short. But dear lord was he misshapen. His body was almost crooked. I was like "dayumm, gurl, you look all homunculus and shit Why does r29 "know that"? Atlas looks like a deformed freak.
