Top ten gay

HER is totally free to download. Accounts are verified and linked to people's Facebook profiles, so you're less likely to find fake profiles and trolls. Users have to be incredibly selective about their words and corny jokes. It can sometimes take several message before you realize the person you're speaking with is way too into Harry Potter.

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Best gay app that hetero folks also use. Tinder Free version: Yes Tinder Plus: More than 50 million people use Tinder monthly, and not all of them are straight dudes hiking mountains. Queer and trans folks head to Tinder because its dating pool is colossal. The app worked with GLAAD, the cast of Transparent , and trans activists to make sure it met the diverse needs of the trans community. The users contended that they were removed from the site after male trolls submitted multiple false complaint reports. Despite all of this, Tinder has made notable efforts to be more trans and queer inclusive over the years by offering an above average number of gender options.

That's more than most apps its size, which typically offer a grand total of Tinder is free to download. More than 50 million people use Tinder , and chances are you're going to see someone who you work with on the app. Because of its popularity, Tinder is the app people love to hate. This doesn't mean the haters don't have a point, but in general, the quality of people you find on Tinder is no better or worse than you'll find anywhere else.

Have faith! Best for men looking for a relationships. Chappy Free version: Yes See Details. Chappy is the latest app to cater to the relationship-seeking crowd among gay men. In , Chappy was introduced in three major cities: Los Angeles, London, and New York. Chappy brands itself as an app that caters to three demographics — people who are looking for long term relationships "Mr.

Right" , those who are looking something more casual "Mr. Right Now" and those who don't know what they want "Mr. Who Knows". It's unclear whether Chappy will produce longer and more satisfying relationships for me than traditional apps like Grindr. If nothing else, the app at least gives people the illusion that such a partnership is in their future. Delusions schelusions, we'll take it. Chappy is relatively small and young in app terms, so don't expect the overpopulated dating pool you might find on Grindr or Scruff.

The app requires users to have Facebook for verification purposes, so it won't work for those who've rightfully abandoned the platform. You're disproportionately likely to find people like this on the app. Chappy is free to download, though as their user base grows, so too might potential in-app purchases. Best for inclusivity. A-List Basic: Yes A-List Premium: It would be great if someone developed more queer- and trans-specific dating apps.

It's also not likely to happen anytime soon, due to the scale of investment required and the audience served. Dating apps need lots and lots of users to be successful, and with Tinder and OkCupid already sort of serving the community, I don't expect new ones to make major inroads anytime soon. However, OkCupid was impressively much faster than other apps to expand their orientation and gender identity options.

In , OkCupid began offering their users more than a dozen different ways to identify. The app currently offers users 22 different genders and 13 orientations to choose from, and also includes helpful descriptions of each for folks who are unfamiliar with this kind of stuff. And unlike Tinder, OkCupid gives so much more room for people to write profiles, answer questions, and explain their possibly questionable worldview.

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Use film and TV in my classroom. Read research data and market intelligence. BFI Flare: Carol To mark the 30th anniversary of BFI Flare: Here are 30 films we love and so many we have screened in the Festival.

10 Best Gay Movies of Accomplishments in Queer Film | IndieWire

To see Carol enshrined in this way so soon after release is a testament to how beloved it is and how esteemed Todd Haynes is as a filmmaker. Literally the lesbian film everyone has been waiting for. Translated to the screen, Carol is everything I loved about the book and then a million times more. It is spectacular, breathtaking cinema. I fell in love with it at first sight.

Beautiful, moving, with fine performances from Rooney Mara and Cate Blanchett. How audacious. How challenging.

Top 10 most gay friendly countries in the world – Updated 12222

We are left to our own voyeurism, the seduction of the image. Real people. Real situations. This is the very best kind of relationship drama — gay or otherwise. Something miraculous: The last shot, set to a deliriously happy cover version of the title song, is unforgettable.

This film is not simply a crystallisation of excellent directing, cinematography, and acting, but also a testimony of the political effect of Hong Kong during the time of its handover from Great Britain to China, mapped onto the painful codependent relationship between the two characters. Simple thoughts about it would bring me to tears.

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Profoundly sad, with beautiful, complex, sympathetic performances across the board. It was groundbreaking to see a mainstream film with big name stars approach a gay romance in such an authentic, sensitive manner, and Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger are both exceptional. If the number of tears that I shed while watching this are any measure of its greatness, well, this is a bona fide masterpiece. A special film with a legendary pedigree in class of its own. Like a limited edition Gaultier Bra.

A story that says more about life and living life to the full than a thousand hollow promises the heterosexual world could offer. Utterly bizarre. Utterly beautiful. The weirdest and most wonderful gay love story ever told. The final encounter between the hero, searching for his lost lover, and the tiger, is completely hypnotic.

One of the best films about the Thatcher era — what it meant, how it shaped contemporary life and how its values might be challenged or reworked. LA never looked lovelier; I never smiled so wide.

Love Time Out?

Everything you need to know about the cruelty of love in two hours. So savage. So perfect.

As with many of my favourite gay films, the specifics of sexuality are never an issue in Petra von Kant, leaving room for a universal exploration of how capricious love can be. Beautiful Thing has peppermint foot lotion.

The 10 Best LGBTQ Films of 2017, From ‘Call Me by Your Name’ to ‘BPM’

Show Me Love has chocolate milk. I remember this having a profound effect on me when I first saw it. The queering of gender seemed an impossible dream at the time, only something in movies! Quite simply the best film touching on human sexual life of any kind. The original and best. A film that fuses art cinema with historical narrative. Langston revels in its underground credentials while also reminding us that Black is Beautiful.

A witness to how we were once outlaws and warriors of desire. Adorable and tender love story portraying a rare optimism about gay relationships which was long-awaited, and something of a game-changer. A sexy parallel universe populated by naked male bodies and ruled by erotic abandon.
