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Oakland had its 19th homicide of the year on Monday afternoon, and the circumstances were especially dramatic and terrible. Retrieved November 21, Civic Impulse, LLC. Clement Street: The "Other" Chinatown. Retrieved Culture Shock! USA, Color Plateno. San Francisco's International Hotel: Mobilizing the Filipino American San Francisco Chronicle. October 27, Retrieved December 6, Northern California History Weekends.

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Census Bureau. The San Francisco Dialect". Amerasia Journal. A History of the Chinese in California. Chinese Historical Society of America. San Francisco's Chinatown. Arcadia Publishing. Appleton-Century Company. California Folklore Quarterly April: Peter Lang.

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    The Chinese at home and abroad: Retrieved 16 June The Moral Career of American Chinatowns, ". Pacific Historical Review. Wild Women: The Barbary Coast: Thunder's Mouth Press. Asian American Women and Men: Labor, Laws and Love. Common Ground: Reimagining American History. Princeton University Press.

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