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Russia bans images of Putin linked to 'gay clown' meme

As a non-religious gaysian, at times I find myself guilty of perching on my high horse, judging religious LGBT people. I assumed their faith held them back from progression - but I was wrong. They came across as empowered and fearless spokespeople for a community that can act as a literal lifesaver for so many. You can find our Community Guidelines in full here. Want to discuss real-world problems, be involved in the most engaging discussions and hear from the journalists? Try Independent Minds free for 1 month.

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Voices How the 'gaysian' community helped me reconcile my Asian self with my gay self My parents had planned an arranged marriage for me before I came out. Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds. More Videos Russia bans images depicting Putin in makeup. New TV show gushes over Putin.

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  4. Putin confirms he wanted Trump to win election. Putin on course to win 4th presidential term. Why Russians support Vladimir Putin. Putin maintains grip on power in Russia. Putin blames Americans for election meddling. The secret behind Vladimir Putin's power. Target in Putin's nuke video looks like Florida. Putin critic Navalny takes message to YouTube. Putin signs retaliatory media law. Putin thanks Trump for tip on terror attack. US-Russia relations after Trump's first year. Putin praises Trump, slams Russia probe. Exhibit portrays Putin as superhero. Story highlights Images of Vladimir Putin in makeup have been shared online since Prison and fine among punishments for those distributing, retweeting or sharing images.

    The Justice Ministry in Moscow has included one of them among a registry of "extremist materials," along with others such as anti-Semitic and racist pictures and slogans. Protesters have used such images of Putin to oppose Russia's anti-gay laws.
