How much to price myself gay escort

Evenings and weekends are when we receive the vast volume of our bookings - so try to make yourself as available as possible. The more cities you can get to - the more attention your profile will attract. Clients will then use our unique booking system and we will contact you via email once an enquiry has been placed.

Once the client has submitted an enquiry and has confirmed all of the details of the booking, we will liaise between the client and yourself until the booking is finalised.


This applies to managed subscriptions only. You will always have the choice to accept or reject a booking request. Bookings are always arranged in a public place to ensure safety e. These details will usually be in the booking request you receive from us. You should expect at least 24 hours notice. You can always reject a booking and we will renegotiate on your behalf if possible. You will be paid in cash in full at the start of the booking and the minimum booking is 2 hours.

A Male Prostitute Answers 19 Questions About His Job

The client may book you for any length of time above this limit and sometimes even a whole weekend. Should the Client withhold payment at the start of the date - we recommend terminating the date while maintaining a calm professional demeanour. The client will cover all expenses, food, drink, tickets or any costs results from the date. You are responsible for the cost of getting yourself to and from the date - how you do that is entirely up to you. Your privacy is very important to us.

Dukes of Daisy is an independent agency and we are in no way affiliated to any other companies. The only contact details we require from you is a valid e-mail address to which your booking requests will be sent. None of your details will be passed on to anyone under any circumstances. You can have your profile removed immediately at anytime upon your request.

Our sign up fees are very straight forward. We have 1 sign up option with pricing and features to su it: Option 1 - Managed Escort. The fees go toward advertising our service to potential clients to ensure that those requiring your service get to know about it. This helps with administration and maintaining the website. Our fees are very fair, and c ha rg ing a sm all fee stops time wasters from applying!

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We will never share any of your details with anyone and will never inform anyone outside our regular clients that you are part of our website. Your profile will appear on our site, and will be accessible to those seeking companionship we won't put it anywhere else. The chances of a family member stumbling on your profile are a million to one - unless of course they are in the habit of booking escorts!

All of your earnings are classed as self-employed. It will be your responsibility to pay tax on your earnings, we will not notify HMRC that you are on our site. It is entirely your responsibility to declare any earnings.

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No, we are strictly a non-sexual escort agency and our clients are looking for companionship only. Our companion escorts do not offer sexual services or "extras". We have a unique booking system that allows clients to easily browse and book an evening with you. Your privacy is important to us and we have low fees , lower than our competitors.

We have thousands of women already using our service and this is consistently increasing due to our advertising endeavours across multiple search engines. If you are ready to start making money while have good clean fun by becoming a male escort then follow the Sign Up Now! As soon as we have received your details we will respond with further information to help you create an appealing profile. Please do not hesitate to Contact Us if you have any other question. It can happen through Facebook, email or school.

I actually had a friend who gave my number out to a few people, and they've called to set up a date. It's not that hard, actually. I started when I was 17 years old. I went with a family member to pick up some drugs he had bought, and I was put in this position where the only way this guy was gonna give what my relative wanted was if he had sex with me. And at first, it was like "No, I'm not gonna let you do this. It's not cool," but then he showed me how much it was worth, and I had second thoughts. I was looking at how much it was, got a little greedy and asked for more, because ya' know I care about my body.

And we did what we had to do. My relative got what we came for. And since then, I had the thought in my head, "Well, if people are gonna pay for my body then why not? I'm making money, I'm not getting in trouble and not many people know about it.

It's a side hustle I don't have to worry about. As far as doing this on an everyday basis, I don't think I'd want to. Like I said, it would be only for real, real emergency reasons. Or if something was out of my control.

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What I've come to learn is that a man knows how a man wants to feel when he's being pleased. Me being a man, I know what pleases me. I know what I'm doing with another man, so that while I can make my profit, I also know that this person is satisfied and he's not wasting his time.

When I'm doing business, I don't like wasting time. It is a very dangerous business because you have to look out for the police, decoys and other people that might set you up.

Sign up as a Male Escort

I went to an event with a friend once, and we were casually walking down the street, and a guy pulled up, asking how much, and we told him our prices. I didn't get in the car, but my friend did. Within five minutes an undercover police car pulled up and he went to jail. My friend had run into a decoy. I felt a sense of relief that it wasn't me that got caught, but I felt bad that it was my friend who had to take the blame.

Where I live, male escorting is very common. I can almost guarantee half of the neighborhood men go out and escort. But they don't do it in the daytime. They wait until after-hours. You won't see them out at noon, They'll come out at 11 of 12 at night and stand outside till almost 4 or 5 in the morning.

They go back home and come out the next night. For some it is a cycle; some just can't let it go.
