Gay dating astrology

These descriptions were totally made up and I often added a couple of contradictory statements. It amazed me how seriously people took this total bullshit.

Your Completely Queer Guide To Horoscope Hookups

I used to make them flattering and positive, which probably helped… Trolling with a conscience or something. All in good fun is a tough one for me to swallow. Sorry to hear that your mum is afflicted by irrational belief in astrology. That must be tough. For entertainment purposes only. Ah, anyway, The Onion has funny horoscopes.

And Weird Al had some great and accurate! I hear you. Like, my last relationship was with a Leo and it turned out to be the exact opposite of this description. Seriously, what is it with dykes and this stuff? I feel like my girlfriend and I are the only two queers we know who are not into this stuff at all. I find it innocuous on the internet, but in real life these conversations tend to go on forever and ever while we just stand there giving each other little glances. My wife and I are history and science buffs as well as gaytheist lapsed Catholics, and are competitively crotchety about this sort of thing.

I hear ya paperofflowers. I was hoping scorpio aquarius had more going on than that too. Except I have to avoid capricorn like the plaque. But they say here that me n caps are beautiful together n I feel like a prisoner with any cap. This is the first time I see such a horoscope hookup for the queers and I love it.

I kinda left a trail of broken hearts behind me because I love giving attention, I love to get attention and I love to love people. This is so amazing. I never tire of talking horoscopes. So yay for giving me more reasons to blabber to everyone who will listen!! Did you and your friends hang out in cemeteries and try to put curses on the mean girls in your school after watching The Craft? I love this very much! Thank you! I tend to get a little offended. As a Gemini I get a little offended by these too.

Hey, who are you calling fickle? I just think that the Cancer description highlights all my worst qualities: A lot of the other signs sound like me, too, only a more flattering picture!

Gay Love and Dating

I tend to do the opposite. I always have to laugh at these because I think I am probably the most introverted, least popular person that I know, but it is a nice little boost for the self-confidence. I found the opposite! I am Aries to a T… asshole and all… but the relationship descriptions were totally inaccurate for me!

I never actually noticed before that the descriptions of Aries makes us seem like assholes. Yeah, I kind of prefer the sidereal sp? Is it terrible that I find it kind of hot when women are into this nonsense?

Or is my skepticism oh so very Gemini of me? Good luck. Never believed in these until I read a personal profile on my sign and I am text book Libra and too diplomatic and indecisive for my own good. Always wondered though about premature kids though- my girlfriend is a Leo by birthday but a Scorpio by predicted due date and she fits a Scorpio profile better? Veryyy confusing. I just want someone to laugh at all my jokes and banter with me using hilarious grammar puns and esoteric pop culture references. And to rewatch The Craft with me.

Post that on science. Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East — powers of air and invention. Hear us. I love reading horoscopes and this was awesome. I am very much a Virgo and it was cool to read about how I would interact with other signs. There are so many Capricorns in my family and we are all stubborn and practical and reserved and over-think things.

I love this post so much! For the record, my partner is a Libra. Now tarot cards, on the other hand…. Ah, tarot cards. It works great! She lifts me up while I help keep her grounded.

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Round and round it goes …. Unbelievers beware! This post just adds to my new obsession. Aries and Scorpio are a homicide waiting to happen. Pretty funny, and even if by coincidence, accurate. I reeeeeeeeally disagree. And also all the rest. I never feel right in these! Libra here, Sag rising, moon in Scorpio.

Gay Astrology: Love and Dating

Loved this!!!! I am a Libra and always thought that 2 Libras were meant for each other cuz of the balance thing! What does this dot have to do with me? This makes no sense. What are one of those dots and or connections you may ask? What does MBTI have to do with astrology you might ask? To make a long story short, personality psychology http: You just have to learn to decipher that map, learn to observe and connect the dots because those dots start coming together and once they come together, they create the bigger picture.

Hence, the upcoming AS astrology installments, where Kate will talk about the other signs and what that all entails.

Love Compatibility between Zodiac Signs -

They are merely symbols, an abstraction that tries to explain certain phenomena. Then you have other stuff such as houses that gets more complex.

Please select your sign:

In Renaissance times, astronomy and astrology were almost inseparable, and Johannes Kepler, who proposed that the planets have elliptical orbits around the sun, worked as court astrology to a succession of German emperors. You could say that our knowledge about the structure of the solar system and the motion of the planets comes from astrology, but that does not give any validation to beliefs in astrology.

If there is no explanation, and you are required to believe without questioning, astrology becomes like a religion minus the prayers. MBTI has been heavily criticised for its lack of methodological rigor.
