Mccauley culkin on gay dating aite

I don't know about the giggling, but I think the endless failed relationships and the drug addiction and the lack of a career may point to an underlying issue; which may be that he's gay. If Macaulay can't commit to and maintain a relationship, it's because of his psycho stage dad and the Culkins' hellish marriage. If Mac had had a stable family life, he'd be OK, despite his career as a child actor. It's the way he comports himself when he is nervous. It's almost feminine. He paints his finger nails.

I watched his Ellen appearance and was surprised. He's very articulate and seems pretty smart. I wasn't expecting that at all. Google Macaulay video. His appearance on Ellen. I think he is straight but he really comes across as queen. He's very nervous. He's the type who would not hide gayness or nervousness. He reminds me of a country club fop from the s. I don't think I've ever seen a real guy of his general age with that affect.

I don't think he is just really strange and probably has a hard time maintaining relationships. I've known straight guys like that.

When did Mila Kunis and Macaulay Culkin date?

He was married for a few years, dated Mila Kunis for almost ten years. He seems to do fine in relationships. I was not expecting him to be so charming and funny and quick. I had the impression he would be a drug-addled mess, but he is not. I think he's straight.

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If he were gay , he seems the type to be honest about it. Two reasons to think he is gay: Michael Jackson's maids said she saw Michael with his hand down front of culkinis pants. His former girlfriend,kunis, is in relationship with known homosexual. You don't have to be years old to know that sort of thing, he has likely watched quite a few classic films.

He seem to be one of those type of kids who liked to fool around when they were young during that time and grew out of it when he was older and didn't feel anything wrong about it. For goodness sakes he became godfather to one of his children.

Is Macaulay culkin gay?

And defended him at court. Jackson abused kids who were already gay. It's a bad idea because the kids will grow up thinking the abuse caused the gayness. Culkin were lovers but gay sex did not produce any kids.

Mila Kunis Says She Was to Blame for Macaulay Culkin Breakup

Paris does not look like Culkin. Nice try. I think Macaulay seems terribly sweet, and as others have said not the type to stay aggressively closeted.

Mila Kunis on dating Macaulay Culkin: 'You couldn't walk down the street with him'

I think he's a big nerd and doesn't care how he comes across. Isn't he hiding out in Paris not doing anything? Seth Green springs to mind. He's a pleasant, intelligent guy that has a lot of money. He possesses no pings for being either gay or straight.

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And good riddance!

Macaulay Culkin will legally change name in 12222 after polling his fans

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