Dating tips for gay guys

Turn off your Grindr profile before the date begins, even if that's where you found him.

That little "pop" sound while you give him flowers is a romantic buzz kill. You're "Checking In" at the restaurant where you've made dinner reservations? Nothing like telling 5, Facebook friends the location of your intimate rendezvous. Do not "friend" your date on Facebook before or after the initial meeting.

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If you're not a good match and dates are like new restaurants; about one in eight survive , you're both going to share that awkward moment of "Do I un-friend him or keep reading about his 'Why do I always meet losers? Even though gay men love to label everyone, they despise being labeled. If he's 22 years old and wears glasses and weighs pounds and says "for some reason people tend to think I'm a Twink," feign surprise and say "men are so into labels.

If you're over thirty and at least four years older than your date, don't be surprised if he calls you Daddy. Take it as a compliment; do not take it as a reason to pick up the check.

Unless he can juggle or tap dance in bed, "versatile bottom" means only one thing, so be prepared to take charge if things go well. If you're lying when you call yourself a "versatile top," either call it quits now or start working on your oral communication skills. Ask open-ended questions on topics that interest you. Maybe you recently did something cool, like you went to a new city, or you discovered a really fantastic band.

Mention these things. Going in with a plan will help you feel more relaxed, and that will help you to be more you. Shy guys tend not to boast and are usually getting more action.

Talkers be talking; shy guys be doing! Put yourself in his shoes. Would you like him to reach out and hold your hand? If you feel this way, chances are, so does he. Now, this is the make or break moment.

Shy Guys have more sex.

Now all you have to do is take his hand and here are 3 possible outcomes of that bold move: This could put you well on the way to your first kiss this evening, and figuring out how versatile he really is. In this case, bail and abort. First dates are hard, both for you and the other guy.

That is, if you've been doing the same thing and expecting a different result, then change detergents, add some fabric softener and try a new way of putting yourself out there. Going to the same coffee shop, grocery store and gym leads to the same scenery and the same results. So instead, change it up! Step out of the box.

17 Practical Gay Dating Tips for the New Age | HuffPost

You love to run, hike and go to the theater. Now what activity would be so out of the box for you, it might put you in a space to meet new guys, make friends with people who have gay friends or try a new hobby? Think of it this way: If you can step out of the closet, you can certainly step out of your rut! Reflect what you desire. If you really want a guy who appreciates monogamy, then hanging out with people who have open relationships probably isn't the best place to meet Mr.

From sex to finances and family to intellectual awareness, letting your true desires show up doesn't make you weak, weird or wacky. It's you being truly you, so let your authentic self shine. Stop making excuses. The more you make excuses for why your gay dating life is the toilet, the less chance of it shifting in a positive way.

If every date you go on with a gay guy leads you to say, "He was nice, but What's sex got to do with it? Dating from the perspective of "it's all about sex" can pay off if that's how you truly feel. Conversely, making sex the secondary acquisition can also be a home run. When you hide from your truth, it won't set you free.

Top 6 Dating tips for Shy Gay Guys

Plus, being honest with yourself is a great launching pad for honesty in your relationship. Ask yourself, "So what? Do you always say: For example, "Gay dating is such a chore.

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