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Same-sex marriage in France

It was a sort of golden era of lesbian nightlife that Paris hasn't seen in the past decades. Rosa Bonheur. While we're in the Marais Check out the aptly named Legay Choc bakeries in the Marais which are stocked with penis-shaped edibles. If it's not bread, it's the galette des rois, a raspberry tart, or a brioche in the shape of men's privates. How's that for pride? After marriage was legalized for all couples in France in early , there were still plenty of protests from conservatives.

None, perhaps, were as shocking as that of year-old Dominique Venner. Inside the Notre Dame Cathedral. In May , he entered the popular tourist attraction of the Notre Dame cathedral, left a letter on the altar, and shot himself dead in front of shocked visitors. In the 19th century, gay men were arrested for indecent exposure in the many public urinals installed during the s. A vespasienne in , left, and the last one left today, right.

Today, just one such urinal still exists in Paris, down on Boulevard Arago in the 13th arrondissement. It's less of a scene these days though. Drag shows may not be huge in Paris's gay bars, but head to the nearly year-old Cabaret Michou in Montmartre for some true kitsch.

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It's not quite on the level of Ru Paul's Drag Race, but it's still entertaining drag, if you speak French. The owner, openly gay octogenarian Michou, is still very much a part of the establishment.

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You'll know him by his signature blue glasses. For example, King Henri III in the s was allegedly more interested in his male entourage than his own wife. And the Chevalier d'Eon was a famous transvestite who worked as a spy and diplomat in the s under Louis XV. The current ambassador to Rome is a gay man, as is the assistant mayor of Paris, Bruno Julliard. You may hear lesbians referred to as a gousse garlic clove , but that might be a bit dated. Much of the gay slang is now found on online dating sites. Voltaire would be proud.

In global lesbian lingo, the word "femme" a lesbian with particularly feminine attributes actually derives from the French for "woman". Today, the Marais in the third arrondissement is the centre of gay life in Paris, but it only became so fairly recently. Rue des Archives during Pride The first gay bar opened there in , and today, the oldest existing bar, the Duplex, which opened in , is still a popular watering hole.

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Before that, the Marais was far from rainbow washed, acting instead as a hub of Jewish life and Chinese immigrants. Check out their website here. Be honest, who hasn't dreamed of working remotely with all the perks of employment? If you've got the skills, you only need to look UP to make that dream a reality. France's news in English Search.

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Ten things you didn't know about gay Paris The Local. Share this article. Do you know where to find penis-shaped bakery goods in Paris? There's a lot more to the gay scene in Paris than just the Marais - so we asked the experts at The Gay Locals to come up with a list of ten things you probably didn't know about Gay Paris. With that in mind, here are ten things you probably didn't know about Gay Paree: Gay memorial stone In , a gay couple was burned to death in front of the Hotel de Ville for being gay.

AFP When sexual liberation began to hit, Rue Sainte Anne became home to the original gay scene with some of the best nightclubs of the s and s.

The golden age of lesbian nightlife There are few lesbian bars in Paris today, though in the early s lesbian couples often congregated around Montmartre and Montparnasse. Get notified about breaking news on The Local. Popular articles Eight ways the French celebrate Easter including a gigantic omelette The jobs you can do if you live in deepest rural France So you're living in France, but are you a legal resident here?

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