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As a girly lesbian, I constantly get overlooked. If I'm in a gay club, everyone thinks I'm just some straight girl hanging about. I'm not gay enough for some lesbians and I'm forever having to "come out" to people over and over again because it's not obvious. Which I realise is not always a bad thing. People need to realize that LGBT people come in all shapes and sizes and rainbow varieties.

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By now it should be obvious, but for some reason it isn't. As a femme lesbian, I have to come out over and over again like this woman. It gets annoying because you genuinely don't know how people will react, at the very least you don't want them to stick that gay label on you as though it's the most interesting thing about you.

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You feel safer in a gayborhood, but that is also typically a place where gay bashers will congregate if they get in that mood. Also, when I was in a less accepting place than here, when my former partner and I would kiss on a public date, such as a public park, and there were cops around, we would often get harassed and threatened to be arrested for solicitation whereas the straight couples that were there were given a free pass to go fuck in the woods.

This is really sad but I had to include it because some people don't think that gay bashing still exists - it does. That's one of the many reasons why we have pride, to show that we're a strong community who stands up against injustices. It isn't a huge deal but after 6 years together it eats away at you and becomes extremely grating. Okay, so it's not so bad.

But I get it. The little ways in which we're treated differently gets annoying.


It's like you're given little reminders that you're not what is considered "the norm". For this guy, the fact that he mentions the length of his relationship shows that he feels as though these little things invalidate his relationship somehow. It's not fair that he should have to feel that way. It creates a small bit of paranoia, and apparently really isn't that uncommon. Also, for females, jealousy. We are still women! I'll be jealous that she's so gorgeous, she'll be jealous that I'm so thin, I'll be jealous of her hair, she'll There is not always a guy and a girl.

I understand its to connect it to something you might not understand, but sometimes there really just isn't one. Looks from people in public. The nice thing is, usually they're nice looks, or more confused. Hell, I do it too! It's kind of a reminder of how far we've come.

If I'm not feeling well on a date and need to go excuse myself she can and several have just been like, "Oh I need to go to the bathroom too, I'll come with you. This is hilarious but true. Why do women always have to go to the toilet together? God knows. But it isn't great for lesbian relationships. Even if you don't let out an accidental fart in the bathroom stall next to your date, you still don't want to hear what they're doing in there, not if you haven't been together too long anyway. Straight people don't get questioned or challenged about it when they say they want a baby.

Why should I? So their expectation is that I will answer telling them exactly how my partner and I will have a baby, like what method. I wouldn't ask her if her and her husband had some good old P in V, and how many times, before they conceived. I will add to what another user said - be prepared for much more personal questions about your sex life, and your personal life in general. I understand much of it is from ignorance, they genuinely don't understand how I can have a baby with another woman, but you know what, google it. I wonder personal things about people all the time.

But I don't blurt it out to them because that would be rude, and it's not my place to ask them to explain themselves to sate my curiosity. From my experience this does nothing but encourage guys, and they invariably ask you to "kiss to prove it" and continue to harass you for a while. I've just started pretending to be dating one of my male friends when this happens now, to which the usual response is "oh, sorry dude!

Reddit thread sees gay men giving fashion tips and relationship advice

I understand that a lot of straight men are attracted to the idea of lesbians, but that kind of situation does get tiring. I also get straight men asking if I have ever slept with a man. It's ridiculous, I wouldn't go asking about their past sexual encounters. But they think it's okay in order to get definitive proof of someone's sexuality. Most assume a mistake was made with the booking and will try to correct it by changing to a twin room.

Once this was to our benefit as we had both caught food poisoning on our flight. Anyone who has been that ill knows you do not want to share personal space with anyone in that state. In all honesty, LGBT people will look up travel destinations to see how friendly they are before they go. It might be annoying that you have to do that in the first place. But it's important to feel safe and comfortable. It's not even necessarily malicious, but there are really no road maps for what a queer relationship is supposed to be they follow straight relationship norms until they don't so your family often doesn't know what to expect and is usually afraid to ask.

There is no "are you going to get married? Also, as the partner who came out to the family later, most of our interactions are colored by this deep dark hope that this is just a phase and I will "come to my senses. Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Leave A Comment. At The Beginning.

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    The most LOL-worthy things the Internet has to offer. A fresh take on sports: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Learn More. Oct 2, 1. Oct 2, 2. K Redditalley is too much now. Thanks x 27 LOL! Oct 2, 3. He deleted his pics but I saved them.

    Oct 2, 4. Because he's obviously ugly. Oct 2, 5. Why is his mouth open? Why does the suit look so big? The hair?


    Oct 2, 6. Thanks x Oct 2, 7. He's not unfortunate looking but not delicious either. Thanks x 20 LOL!

    Relationship advice

    Oct 2, 8. White gay men and white women use black men as sexual objects. They are trying to get that bussy busted Oct 2, 9. Oct 2, His pics suggest that he has booty breath and reeks of moth balls. Last edited: Thanks x 22 LOL! Don't guys just post their abs on Grndr? He isn't ugly in my opinion. He sort of nerdy and cute, like adorkable. He looks like he's white adjacent or identifies mostly with white culture. There are white folks open to dating him but he has to look for them.
