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We're so happy and thankful for AllMale. I've been on several awesome dates since finding AllMale. Meeting guys in my area has been so easy, I can't say enough good things. I met Ricardo while living 1, miles away. We formed a beautiful bond here at AllMale and then took the plunge in real life. Experience Interest-Based Dating, advanced search and More.

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Registration is Quick and Easy! We're so thankful for AllMale. We met here 13 months ago and we were just married last month. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I just signed up a couple weeks ago, but I've been having a ball already. It's so easy to use, I'm on here every single day. I've used all the other dating sites out there, but they all just lead to the same thing.

So lucky, to have found my soul mate Carlo here 3 months ago. I'm always up for adventures and AllMale has provided me with so many. Every time I click to enter, a new one is bound to begin. Find Your Match! Stephen I've been on several awesome dates since finding AllMale. Although they have similar features, eharmony is a more focused experience. Yes 3-months: Founded in , eharmony is the direct rival of Match.

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In addition, the dating site is considered one of the best sites for men who are looking to get married. So if you're a man who wants to commit to a great partner, then you should consider eharmony to find your special someone. The questions asked during sign-up are designed to weed out "players" and "serial daters" because eharmony is interested in matching men with compatible partners for long-term relationships. So if you get frustrated during the sign-up process, just remember that you're looking for a life partner and not just a random fling.

That said, eharmony isn't the best option for gay men. Instead we'd suggest you try OkCupid or one of these.

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The dating platform uses their own scientific method called " 29 Dimensions of Compatibility. Best free option. OkCupid It's one of the OG dating sites, is mostly free, and has millions of active users on the site daily. Yes 1-month of A-List: OkCupid is one of the top companies in online dating. If you're a young man looking for something casual or serious, chances are you're going to find what you're looking for on OkCupid.

Sign up is pretty simple. Even though it's been around since , OkCupid keeps marching on as a young and hip version of online dating, as it keeps reinventing itself for a new generation of single men. Find your ideal match and sign up for OkCupid here.

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Best for working professionals. Elite Singles Aimed at successful working professionals looking for other successful singles. For men who have busy lives and busy careers, Elite Singles is a great options. This dating site is aimed directly at successful professionals looking for other successful singles who are not often found on traditional dating sites like OkCupid and Zoosk. Elite Singles also has a high success rate based on its " intelligent matching " and high quality users.

Filling out the Elite Singles questionnaire is a long and lengthy undertaking.

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It roughly takes about 45 minutes to an hour to complete, so the dating site is for men who are serious about finding a partner. This means the men and women who are on Elite Singles are generally in their mids to lates. Sorry millennials, this dating site is aimed at older singles who are looking for other working professionals. While there is no search option, Elite Singles offers user features that filter matches based on their preferences, such as height, religion, distance, and so on.

It seems restrictive, but Elite Singles is so confident with their intelligent matching system that they do all the hard work for you. After all, your career is busy enough as it is, so you probably don't have time to endlessly swipe through profiles. Leave it up to Elite Singles and let them do the heavy lifting for you. Sign up for Elite Singles here. Best for missed connections. Happn Too shy to say hello? Happn allows you to connect with people you see every day.

Yes One month: You know the missed connections section on Craigslist? Say you had a shared moment sitting next to a woman at a movie theater. She asks you about the film's ending on the way out, but you were too shy to ask her name or her number.

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You just went on and on about film theory instead of asking her out. You're now spending the day wishing you would've been more confident when talking with her. Well, Happn is a dating app that helps you discover the people who you cross paths with in real life. We see the same people every day on the way to work or school, so Happn gives you the chance to match with them — if you find them attractive and they have the same app, that is.

You know that cute girl who always gets the same order at the coffee shop every day, or that handsome guy who always shares the elevator with you? It's easier to just "like" someone on an app, instead of approaching them and getting shot down immediately. So Happn is there to be your wing-man or should we say wing-app to meet the people you find attractive and interesting in the real world. Happn uses your daily routine and location to help you meet someone nearby. Instead of matching with random people, you can match with someone you see on a regular basis who might have the same interests and schedule.

Sign up for Happn here. Best low-key option. Coffee Meets Bagel Dating should be about quality, not quantity. Not into swiping? Coffee Meets Bagel is an alternative to dating apps like Tinder. CMB wants you to "spend your time on quality matches instead of swiping endlessly.

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Because the point of dating is finding someone who clicks with you in a healthy relationship. Coffee Meets Bagel sends you up to six potential matches called "bagels" every day at noon. This way, there's little to no pressure on men to make the first move, which is always nerve-wracking to get it right the first time.

Now matches can get off the app as soon as possible for a date in real life. Matches are also limited to people who are in your network of friends and family, based on your Facebook profile. Since there are no fake profiles, men can be assured that the person they're chatting with isn't going to make them click a shady link to a seedy adult website. Sign up for Coffee Meets Bagel here.

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Best for meaningful matches. Hinge Hinge is more about engaging matches to interact instead of endlessly swiping for someone who might be better. Although it launched in , Hinge massively overhauled their platform and mechanics to differentiate themselves from other dating sites like OkCupid and Tinder. Hinge is more about engaging men to interact with women instead of endlessly swiping for someone who might be better. Hinge is built for more interaction and engagement.

Hinge is more about quality over quantity when it comes to matching with singles.

Hinge also encourages you to scroll through entire profiles before you make a decision to "like" or "dislike. Hinge is also less intimidating for men to make the first move with potential matches because of the reminders for both sides of a match to keep the conversation going. Sign up for Hinge here. Best for men seeking men. Grindr Grindr is the most popular gay-friendly mobile app in the iTunes App Store since it launched in Started in , Grindr launched as a dating and social networking app for "queer, discreet, anonymous, twink, geek, daddy, leather, military, rugged, bear, otter, guy next door, college, muscle, bisexual, or trans" people everywhere.

If you're a single gay man, then chances are you're already on Grindr.
