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The Hodges Bend in Tulsa is famous for its delicious coffee, wine, and cocktails. This long-standing bar, which opened in the early 20th century, is proud of its roots and Tulsa's history. Its menu sticks to oldies but goodies, including gooey mac 'n' cheese and indulgent Shepherds Pie. The locally sourced and roasted coffee is a special treat for coffee lovers in town, and its modern twist on classic cocktails often show up on social media yum! The Cellar Dweller is a dive bar with a lot of personality. Locals call it quirky and modern, and we call it a fun place to spend an evening.

Especially if you're there during happy hour. This downtown dive has a come-as-you-are vibe that makes everyone feel welcome. The Cellar Dweller opens at 7 p.

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The Max Retropub is the perfect hangout for nostalgic singles with a thirst for adventure. Any bar with trivia nights, pinball tournaments, and daily drink specials is a winner in my book, and many regulars at the Max Retropub feel the same.

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The retro drinks menu and arcade games make great conversation starters and can keep daters occupied all night long. Where else can you find a drink with Pop Rocks in it? Whether you enjoy playing skeeball or listening to '80s rock music, you'll have a rad time at the Max Retropub.

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Between your job, your responsibilities, and your social life, it can be difficult to make time for dating. Speed dating parties challenge singles to go on multiple mini-dates and build connections with local singles who are interested in spicing up their love lives. Pre-Dating is the largest singles events organizer in Tulsa, so check out the link below to find a fun event in your neck of the woods. Singles events offer a good balance between speed dating and bar-hopping. You get all the advantages of a dating-rich environment without the pressure of having to hit it off within five minutes of meeting.

A lot of singles events will include a raffle or a game to help attendees break the ice, and the event organizers tend to be hands-on about introducing people. You can search Eventbrite for a singles-oriented event in Tulsa and fill your calendar with soirees, celebrations, and meetups. The Tulsa Sound has influenced beloved musicians, including Eric Clapton and Garth Brooks, and it can inspire you too.

You can head to a dance club to get into the swing of things and meet tons of new people. Whether you want to listen to some Western swing or classic rock, you can search on Yelp to find a local club where the music plays all night long. Online chat rooms are lively places to meet potential love interests. You can meet singles in your area, start a conversation, build on your connection, and, hopefully, end up in an IRL relationship.

Free Tulsa chat rooms tend to be busy on weeknights when singles have time on their hands and romance on their minds. Dating personals used to refer to newspaper ads posted by singles seeking a date.

Now it refers to online profiles posted by singles seeking a date. Romantics in Tulsa can create a profile on a personals website for free and look around for potential dates interested in casual or serious dating. Thanks to Meetup, singles can skip the awkward formality of a date and just focus on becoming friends with people who share similar interests and backgrounds.

Certain groups focus on particular hobbies — bike riding, video gaming, wine tasting, etc.

11 Ways to Meet Singles in Tulsa, OK (Dating Guide)

Recreational activities can help daters come out of their shells and bond with Tulsans during a sports match, race, or game. Since the s, the Tulsa Running Club has brought together Tulsa community members who love to stay physically active and socially active.

Members of this group run, compete, and have fun together. Active daters should also keep an eye out for popular public events where people show up to have a good time and get involved in the community. The annual Saint Francis Tulsa Tough Ride and Race is a three-day cycling festival in June, and its scenic tours offer a great opportunity to get to know the city and its residents.

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A local cafe allows singles to show up, grab a stool, a table, or a couch, and linger with a book or laptop. This chill atmosphere makes it easy to people-watch and chat with potential romantic interests.

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This local coffee shop opens early 6: And that can be very intimidating. However, once you know where to go, expanding your social circle and meeting date prospects becomes much easier. Good luck!

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When she was growing up, her family teased her for being "boy crazy," but she preferred to think of herself as a budding dating expert. As an English major in college, Amber honed her communication skills to write clearly, knowledgeably, and passionately about topics that interest her.

Now with a background in writing, Amber brings her tireless wit and relatable experiences to DatingAdvice. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Discuss This!

11 Ways to Meet Singles in Tulsa, OK (Dating Guide)

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