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After seeing his first Broadway production, Landi became interested in acting and ultimately abandoned tennis to work on his acting career. However, even though Landi has not seen a lot of screen time in the past, he could be scrubbing in for a possible full-time role on the main cast.

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In many cases, actors such as Landi join the show on a recurring basis to establish a foundation and repertoire, before being promoted to a full-time role a few seasons in. Characters such as Callie, Arizona, and April can all attest to that. One thing is for sure, viewers will be keeping their eye on him for the pioneering actor for seasons to come. NextShark is a leading source covering Asian American News and Asian News including business, culture, entertainment, politics, tech and lifestyle.

April 14, Trending Trending.

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Now Week Month. Tired of Wearing Uniqlo? Share Tweet. View this post on Instagram. The Shonda Rhimes -created series has long been a pillar of inclusivity and diversity on screen. It's time to explore gay male stories. What is the hospital like for a gay, biracial male surgeon? His casting opens up several new avenues for storytelling. Not only can Grey's now tell a gay male love story should that be in the cards , but it can now examine friendships between gay men and straight men, gay men and gay women, gay men and straight women…it's a whole new ballgame for relationship dynamics.

Grey's Anatomy 's diversity game has always been strong, this just ups it to a whole new level. Not only will viewers see a gay male character mixing it up with their favorite doctors on one of the most popular shows on television, but they'll also be watching a character and actor Asian descent.

Representation matters. It mattered 15 years ago when Grey's Anatomy debuted and it sure as hell matters now.

The First Asian Male Doctor on 'Grey's Anatomy' is Making Our Hearts Race

Details about Landi's character and how long his arc are being kept under wraps, according to TVLine , which also first reported his casting. But we hope he's there for a lengthy tenure so all areas of stories can be explored. Landi, a relative newcomer to the business, has also appeared in Bull and the upcoming Broken Land. The Big Picture: Today's Hot Photos.

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Why It's About Time By.
