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About 50 people gathered at Lush bar Monday night to hear the case for reexamining Minneapolis' ban on bathhouses, the predominant hookup scene for gay men prior to the s AIDS epidemic. Audience members made it clear that congregate sex is thriving in Minneapolis and St.

Paul as innovative medications like PrEP, a once-a-day pill that virtually eliminates the risk of transmitting HIV, are freeing people to live full sexual lives without fear of contagion. Now they're hoping for a centralized, sanitary, controlled place for everyone to go, where shame-free testing is offered on a regular basis. Archived copy as title link , OutFrontMN. Louis Park passes domestic partner registry, Richfield to pass same next week , TheColu.

Same-sex marriage in Minnesota

Retrieved December 5, July 28, Star Tribune. Minnesota State Legislature. Huffington Post. New York Times. Retrieved April 5, National Center for Transgender Equality.

LGBT rights in Minnesota - Wikipedia

Movoto Real Estate. One, Inc. Evans Executive Order Lawrence v. Windsor Executive Order Obergefell v.

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Hodges Pavan v. Smith Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Hardwick Department of Defense Directive District of Columbia. Navajo Nation. Virgin Islands. Adoption Age of consent Conversion therapy bans Hate crimes Housing discrimination Intersex rights Military Transgender Intersex Sexual orientation Employment discrimination by municipality State bans on local anti-discrimination laws Immigration No promo homo laws Public accommodations Religious exemptions Same-sex unions Civil unions Domestic partnerships by municipality Marriage Transgender rights Voting.

Bans on same-sex unions State constitutional amendments Same-sex unions Civil unions Domestic partnerships State statutes Same-sex unions Civil unions Domestic partnerships Bathrooms Sodomy.

Retrieved from " https: Hidden categories: Archived copy as title Webarchive template wayback links Use mdy dates from October Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history.

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This page was last edited on 2 April , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Same-sex marriage legal since Who needs Ambien when you have Grindr, am I right? Sleeping like a baby. In order to have sex with a man the first few times, many of us had to get to a point of severe inebriation. He smacks your butt hard, or he rests his hands on your throat, applying a little pressure. Your heart speeds up.

You feel the rush of exploring something a little kinkier, a little more intense.

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We all need to learn what the fuss is about, and why two heads pun intended are better than one. Summer camp is literally the most homoerotic space to have ever existed.

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Everything feels so good. That drunk sex that is absolutely awful. Some of us more than we care to admit. You feel gross. Literally, the worst.
