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We promise to keep your information safe and will never post or share anything on your Facebook page. Are you into gay interracial dating?

Gay Dating for Relationship-Minded Black Singles

We have your gay interracial match here! Find Your Match. Finding your perfect match has never been easier with the GayCupid Android app. Available for FREE download now. Only black people can be discriminated against for being black people. This might be the most infuriating argument and the one with the least intellectual depth.

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Puddles are deeper than this. To imply that you were born finding black people unattractive is to say that race-based discrimination is genetic. Sexual desire and socialization are linked.

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To act as though the two exist in mutually exclusive contextual vacuums is intellectually dishonest and only absolves blame from the abusers. We like the things we like because we grow up learning that they are good, beautiful, and normal. White faces are sold as the forefront of everything, to be sought after and adored. Johnson — in his film, Stonewall.

Wonky Wednesday: Racism in Gay Online Dating - National LGBTQ Task Force

This blatant rewriting of history only further shows a problem the community suffers as a whole. White gay men have sanitized and commoditized the culture of queer people of color while giving us no credit and even less respect. Interracial dating was such a provocative thing that it was illegal in many places — just like sodomy!

These laws existed because interracial dating was seen as a disruption to the purity of the white race, since black people and other people of color were considered inferior.

Dear White Gay Men, Racism Is Not "Just a Preference"

The view that black people are of an inferior race and therefore unfit to date white people is racism. White people argued that it was of the natural order for blacks to be with blacks and whites to be with whites.

Dear white gay men: Stop stealing black female culture

LaGarde, who is black, said he has used several gay dating apps, including Grindr, and has experienced both overt racism — such as being called a racial slur — and more subtle forms of exclusion. John Pachankis, a clinical psychologist and an associate professor at the Yale School of Public Health, has been studying the mental health of the LGBTQ community for 15 years and has recently started to explore the effects of gay dating apps. Pachankis and his team have conducted a series of experiments studying rejection and acceptance on these platforms and the impact these experiences have on gay men.

Though the results are still under review, Pachankis found that rejection for gay men can be even more damaging when it comes from other gay men.

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But while Pachankis acknowledges there are negative aspects to gay dating apps, he cautioned against demonizing them. In many places around the world, he noted, these apps serve a crucial role in connecting LGBTQ individuals. Leandro Mena, a professor at the University of Mississippi Medical Center who has studied LGBTQ health for the past decade, said dating apps like Grindr may merely reflect the exclusion and segregation that already exists among gay men — and "society at large.
