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The New York Times wrote that his father, a self-described "old-school On February 9, , in an interview with Chris Connelly on ESPN 's Outside the Lines , Sam responded to questions about his coming out experience and his status as one of college football's first openly self-acknowledged gay players.

I still love him, whatever his lifestyle is.

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He's still my brother and I love him. Anti-gay activist Shirley Phelps-Roper and about 15 other members of the Westboro Baptist Church , an organization widely considered a hate group , protested his appearance.

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Students organized a counter-protest numbering in the thousands, [a] assembling a "human wall" in front of the protesters. After being drafted by the Rams, Sam's emotional reaction to his draft was broadcast live on television, during which he kissed his boyfriend, Vito Cammisano. Reported to have been dating Sam for several months, Cammisano is a fellow alum of the University of Missouri and was a member of the school's swim team.

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On February 24, , Sam was announced as one of the celebrities to compete on the 20th season of Dancing with the Stars. He partnered with professional dancer Peta Murgatroyd. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 28 March For the English criminal, see Michael Sams. The Kansas City Star. Retrieved February 10, Texas HS Football. Michael Sam's Troubled Upbringing in Texas". The New York Times. Retrieved February 12, Sports Illustrated.

Retrieved February 13, The Red Raiders have lost four in a row after Deoge's last-minute interception. Tuberville said a Tech victory "just wasn't meant to be. Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. Retrieved February 20, FOX Sports. December 12, Retrieved May 11, University of Missouri Official Athletic Site. He's Gay". January 30, Transition to linebacker tough for Missouri's Michael Sam". May 10, Retrieved May 10, Louis Rams in NFL draft: Saturday's selection made Sam the first openly gay player to be drafted into the league and prompted celebrations at gay bars stretching from Los Angeles to Queens".

New York Daily News. Archived from the original on May 10, Combine Player Profiles — Michael Sam".

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Retrieved February 27, Archived from the original on May 11, First openly gay player drafted in the NFL". The Washington Post. Retrieved May 13, Archived from the original on August 30, Louis Rams". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved August 30, Archived from the original on August 31, Archived from the original on September 1, CBS News. September 3, Retrieved October 21, Dallas Cowboys.

Archived from the original on December 13, March 11, Retrieved March 22, May 22, Archived from the original on May 25, Retrieved May 22, Toronto Star. June 12, Retrieved June 12, ESPN , June 26, August 7, Retrieved August 9, August 14, Archived from the original on August 15, Michael Sam". Retrieved December 28, Watertown Daily Times. Watertown, New York.

How to Tell if a Guy is Gay

The Charley Project. Retrieved October 8, Retrieved February 9, Football, surrogate family kept him off path of siblings who are dead or jailed".

Michael Sam

Retrieved February 15, February 14, Archived from the original on February 14, January 1, Retrieved February 14, Columbia Daily Tribune. Archived from the original on February 27, Retrieved February 26, Retrieved May 12, Mail Online. United Kingdom. Retrieved January 9, Us Weekly. United States. Retrieved January 19, October 15, Retrieved November 4, February 24, Lalate News. Archived from the original on April 11, May 7, Columbia Missourian.

November 17, Retrieved November 19, Links to related articles.

Southeastern Conference Football Player of the Year. Feathers Howell Geny Gilbert Hinkle Cafego Elrod Jenkins Sinkwich McWilliams Gilmer Trippi Connerly Rauch Tidwell Parilli Wade Parker Davis Majors Michaels Cannon Gibbs Trammell Stovall Sidle Frederickson Sloan Spurrier Goodridge Scott Manning I saw him making out with a dude. On September 21, Ravi posted text messages saying that there would be a viewing party to watch Clementi and his guest, along with directions on how to view it remotely.

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Yes, it's happening again. Ravi has said that he had changed his mind regarding the broadcast and disabled the camera himself by putting the computer in sleep mode. The same day, Clementi complained to a resident assistant [15] and two other officials [16] that Ravi had used a webcam to stream part of Clementi's private sexual encounter with another man. His posts indicated that he did not want to share a room with Ravi after he learned about the first incident and then discovered that Ravi invited his Twitter followers to watch a second sexual encounter.

Within a few hours, Clementi returned to his dorm room and he and Ravi were there for less than an hour. On the evening of September 22, Clementi left the dorm room, bought food from the campus food court, and, around 6: Clementi left a suicide note which, along with documents on his computer, was never released to either the public or to the defense team in Ravi's trial, because Clementi's suicide was not directly related to the charges against Ravi. Clementi's wallet, car, cell phone, and computer were found on or near the bridge.

His body was found on September 29, in the Hudson River just north of the bridge. Rutgers University students planned a "Black Friday" event to commemorate and memorialize Clementi. Rutgers president Richard Levis McCormick stated, "We grieve for him and for his family, friends and classmates as they deal with the tragic loss of a gifted young man Beginning in the — school year, a Rutgers University pilot program was instituted to permit students to choose their dorm roommates, regardless of gender.

Members of the university's LGBT community told the administration that gender-neutral housing would help create a more inclusive environment for students. By September , Rutgers had implemented numerous new programs to provide a more supportive environment for LGBT students, in reaction to the suicide, including new dormitory options and a new Center for Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities, and students reported a much-improved campus atmosphere.

In , Tyler Clementi's parents, Jane and Joseph Clementi, established the Tyler Clementi Foundation, which focuses on promoting acceptance of LGBT teens and others marginalized by society, providing education against all forms of bullying including cyber bullying over the internet and promoting research and development into the causes and prevention of teenage suicide. On March 9, , the Point Foundation , the nation's largest scholarship-granting organization for LGBT students of merit, announced that it had created the Tyler Clementi Point Scholarship to honor Clementi's memory.

Tyler Clementi's suicide, along with the suicides of several other gay teens who had been harassed, moved President Barack Obama , Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to express shock and sadness and speak out against any form of bullying. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie stated that the suicide was an "unspeakable tragedy I don't know how those two folks [Ravi and Wei] are going to sleep at night" and added, "as the father of a year-old, I can't imagine what those parents are feeling today—I can't.

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The San Diego Unified School District Board of Education unanimously approved a resolution to provide a safe environment and equal opportunities for lesbian , gay , bisexual , transgender and questioning students. The day of the announcement of the verdict in the Dharun Ravi trial, Clementi's father, Joseph, released a statement, directed particularly at young people:. You're going to meet a lot of people in your lifetime. Some of these people you may not like. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean you have to work against them.

When you see somebody doing something wrong, tell them: Stop it. In the same statement, Jane Clementi, Tyler's mother, noted the role that electronic media can have in singling out LGBT youth for being different. She said:. In this digital world, we need to teach our youngsters that their actions have consequences, that their words have real power to hurt or to help.
