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They want sex. Sex and nothing else. Well, that 1 out of the 10th guy is actually out there for that cup of coffee and a cookie, but then again, that probably is some old 80 year guy on his deathbed, or someone that just been traumatized by his psycho ex. Now how does Grindr work? Click on the guy you are interested in and you are ready to chat.

Guide to dating in Spain

Easy peasy. So Tinder has kinda the same mechanics as Grindr. It shows how far away someone is, you see a picture, etcetera. However, Tinder is officially a straight-people app. But that has seriously changed since its creation. Or both. So no worries about that, you can still swipe your way till you find your Prince Tinder on his Golden iPhone. Easy as that. Tinder is a little bit less sex-focused as Grindr, but still. It has sex. Because really.

The difference is minimal. It just seems more user-friendly. And better.

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And more fun. If that makes any sense. It did in my head.

Where to find a date in Spain

But no need to miss me. Oh, if there is anything you specifically would like to be seen discussed, please leave a comment down below! These websites are the typical, stereotypical, and, in my opinion, lame online hook-up websites.

Or fake pictures. Which can also be the case in the apps as I mentioned before.
