Boyfriend 101 a gay guy guide to dating

Any Thai who speaks enough English to carry on a conversation with you probably understands western customs to some extent. Some of the customs below apply only to dating, others will be relevant in a variety of other social situations as well.

5 Dating Tips for Bi Men

You're the social superior. The notion of dating someone on a non-equal basis is tough for most Americans to swallow, but in Thailand, the concept of social superiority is too ingrained to be ignored. See the Social Hierarchy page.

This doesn't mean you treat your partner shabbily. And in bed, everything can change. But on a date, it's assumed that you'll pay. If a Thai invites you, and offers to pay, that's fine; but don't expect it. Don't initiate public demonstrations of affection. No kissing. No holding hands.


Granted, straight male friends may hold hands or walk arm-in-arm in Thailand! But everyone reads the situation differently when it involves a western man and a Asian man. Let your friend set the pace for what's acceptable and comfortable. Compliment often; never criticize. If you must make a comment that might be construed as "constructive criticism" in the U. Far better to just compliment. Don't compare your country favorably to Thailand.

Gay Dating in Thailand: Asian and western customs can vary!

Such comments would be rude in any country; they seem particularly boorish in Thailand. In general, don't boast, brag, or act superior about anything. Dress well. Dress reflects status. Long pants, and clean, pressed clothes, are expected of someone in your position.

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