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Many people with HIV consider the condition a manageable illness. There are a range of ways to prevent acquiring HIV, referred to as combination prevention.

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In Australia it is recommended that PrEP is taking as one pill, once a day. This is why we encourage people who are taking PrEP to regularly check in with their sexual health provider. If any STIs do occur, get them treated and follow the advice of your sexual health provider. People who are using PrEP should consider maintaining their condom use, particularly for casual partners, until you are aware of their testing regimen. Condoms prevent or reduce the exchange of semen, vaginal fluid or blood between partners during sex.

Condoms also offer protection against a range of other sexually transmissible infections STIs. They do this by preventing the transfer of bodily fluids or by covering affected genital areas. Find out more about using condoms and staying safe. This means that HIV is no longer able to be detected in their bodies by viral load tests, meaning the amount of virus is their bodies is extremely low. In term of HIV prevention, there has never been a case of a person with an undetectable viral load passing on HIV to a sexual partner, a fact backed up by major international studies. These strategies include: All these strategies carry risks that vary according to practice and circumstance.

Find out more about risk reduction strategies. Testing regularly so you know your HIV status allows you to protect your health and the health of your sexual partners. If you find out you have HIV, you can then take steps to benefit your health, including talking to your doctor about treatment. You can help out by getting tested at least twice a year, or up to four times a year if you have more than 10 different partners in 6 months or have sex without condoms.

There are other testing technologies that are being assessed for use in Australia, such as home-based testing kits.

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More information will be provided on these as they become available. To find out more or to make an appointment to get tested in Sydney, please visit www. Sexually transmissible infections STIs are infections that are transmitted during sex through body contact or the exchange of body fluids i. STIs can be caused by viruses e.

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HIV, herpes, genital warts , bacteria e. If you manage your sexual health and play it safe you can significantly reduce your risk of getting an STI, or passing it on to a sexual partner. Infection rates for some STIs — such as HIV, gonorrhoea and syphilis — are much higher among gay men than in the general population. The best way to prevent HIV transmission among men is to have safe sex by using a condom and water based lubricant for anal sex.

The site also has information for gay men about testing for and treating STIs, as well as the ability to make an appointment with one of our a[TEST] clinics for a test. Participating in a workshop is a great way to make new friends in a safe social environment and to learn more about identity, coming out, sex and sexual health, HIV, relationships, the LGBTI community and other relevant topics.

There are usually between guys in each group. Our workshops are facilitated by trained professional volunteers and run over 2 — 6 sessions, depending on the workshop. The below workshops are for all gay men.

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We also run other workshops for young gay men aged The workshops are relaxed, fun and are designed to encourage participation and great conversations. It allowed me to open my mind to new opinions and perspectives. Workshop details: To register, email lrabie acon. We offer a range of FREE workshops for young same-sex attracted men gay, bisexual, curious , trans inclusive.

Sign up for a workshop here. Once enough participants have enrolled, dates for the workshop will be confirmed. This a free workshop for young gay men aged 18 to Meet other young guys and learn about identity, sexuality, coming out, family, friendships, relationships, the gay community and how to build social networks. Sign up here. This workshop of for guys aged who speak Mandarin.

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Explore being same-sex attracted, coming out, cultural identity, friendships, relationships, family, the gay community, building social networks, as well as HIV and sexual health. This workshop is delivered in Mandarin. If you live in a rural or regional area, this workshop is an opportunity to meet other guys around NSW and learn more about identity, coming out, sexuality, friendships, relationships, family, HIV and sexual health.

All you need is an internet connection and a webcam enabled laptop or phone! Meet like minded guys and explore issues around sexuality, intimacy, relationships, sexual attitudes, communication, HIV and sexual health. Get tips and techniques about how to have a better, healthier sex life. Learn tips and techniques for setting up a safe and effective gay networking profile. Discuss social values, online etiquette and sexual discrimination.

Find Out More For more info, please contact us: When it comes to sexual health, lots of gay men like to speak with a supportive doctor who understands the ins and outs of gay sex. May To get free condoms at your community venue, event or clinic, please contact your nearest ACON office.

Compliance with the PlayZone Code ensures that patrons of SOPVs have a right to be treated with respect while in the venues, to practice safe, consensual sex and access to sexual health information. Our Sexperts are peer education volunteers who visit sex on premises venues and have discussions with the customers about sexual health, HIV and STI testing, and other relevant topics. We already have a really committed and fun group of volunteers which we are looking to add to as we expand the project to new premises.

To express interest in becoming a Sexpert contact us on: Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers, yet studies show that LGBTIQ people are less likely than the general population to attend cervical screening.

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Having regular Cervical Screening Tests is the best way people in our communities can protect themselves against cervical cancer. Other changes include the age of screening increasing from 18 years to 25 years, and the time between tests changing from two to five years. Watch community members talk about their experiences of cervical screening for The Inner Circle campaign. Read more about Check OUT and book a test today. To find out more please visit our Mental Health section. Edison Chen aims to flesh out the intricacies and influences that exist within this cultural mesh.

The underlying sentiments behind these words were all understood like a piece of ironic fashion though. We all knew because of our shared cultural background that we all took part on a similar journey of sexual racism. When asked about his reasons for making the movie, Ray answered that he noticed a lack of gay Asian men who were interested in other gay Asian men in western countries. In one scene in the movie, a young Caucasian man eyes and approaches the main character Ryan as he and his love interest Ning dance in a nightclub.

In a bigger sense, I think this imaginary situation touches something deeper and real in a lot of us. Ryan is a character who embodies the first-generation story of an Asian person born into Western society. Reflected in the fragments of his personality are echoes of Asian gay men who live in Western countries.

People whose everyday lives becomes a negotiated and cultural amalgamation of Asian, Western and queer identities. Do we belong to either western or eastern culture? Are our desires influenced by our struggle for identity? And what commonalities lie within our collective psychological experiences? The tension of east and west and some of its complexities are especially exhibited in our dating scene. In popular gay Asian colloquialism, there lies the cultural notion that desires revolve around two specific racial choices — rice or potato?

This divide seemed commonplace, even manifesting itself within a speed dating event in Sydney. At the event, we were given 12 dates at five minutes each and no one was allowed to talk about work. Interestingly a lot of the people I came across were open to everyone in terms of race when I asked them.

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I wanted to pry even further though, so I inquired if there were any patterns or differences in their dating experiences when it came to dating either white or Asian men. Three people separately mentioned smell which I guess is fair. A guy called Don told me he felt more comfortable with Asian guys since more of them wanted something similar in terms of a relationship , while Caucasian men were either interested in a hookup or seemed much older than him. Another person, Jason agreed with this and said that he preferred Asian men because they were similar in their traditions.
