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LGBT people. Pansexuals Sexually fluid people Lesbian filmmakers. Murder victims Political office-holders Non-binary writers.

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Namespaces Article Talk. Proclaimed by many critics as one of the best young actors of his generation, Benjamin John Whishaw was born in Clifton, Bedfordshire, to Linda Hope , who works in cosmetics, and Jose Whishaw, who works in information technology. He has a twin brother, James. He is of French, German, Russian Actor Pride. Andrew Scott was born in Dublin, Ireland, the middle child with two sisters, in a financially comfortable home which allowed his parents, Jim and Nora, to send him to a private Catholic school for boys. He started acting as a child when he was in commercials on Irish TV, then was chosen from his Actor Noah's Arc: Jumping the Broom.

He is an actor and producer, known for Noah's Arc: Actor How to Get Away with Murder. Actor G. Michael was born and raised in Fresno, California. There he found a love for art, music and life- Performing in almost every local talent show, family gathering and theater, he learned how to sing, act, play piano and dance. Realizing a need for greater opportunities, Michael traveled to Los Actor Dreamgirls. Actor The Anniversary Party.

His family lived nearby in Dunkeld, where his father was a forester for Atholl Estate. The family including his brother, Tom moved to Fassfern near Fort William, Actor Angry Birds. He is a graduate of Northwestern University, where he majored in Theater. He is the star, executive producer and creator of Billy on the Street with Billy Eichner , Actor The Leftovers. Charlie Carver was born in San Francisco, California.

At a young age, Charlie moved up to a small town in the Napa Valley. It was there in school that Charlie had his first exposure to acting. Actor Rough Night. He also modeled for J. Penney, Kira Plastinina, and Ralph Lauren. He is best Actor The Real O'Neals.

List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people: W–Z - Wikipedia

Actor Odd Thomas. Nico Tortorella is a native of Chicago Illinois. He started out in professional theatre when he was in seventh grade.

Top 30 Gay Names

He was offered a contract with Ford Models when he stopped by an open call in He then went on to Actor In Time. Ray Santiago is an American actor of Puerto Rican descent. In he acted in films like "Girlfight" and "Meet The Fockers", but fame came Actor The Little Rascals. Actor Accepted.

Actor Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Thomas Dekker was born to parents who possess very artistic and theatrical characteristics. His mother is an acting coach, actress, singer and concert pianist, while his father was an artist, set designer, opera singer and actor. His maternal grandfather was famed Welsh radio actor Alun Williams.

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Actor Younger. Donald Amboyer. Amboyer subsequently continued his studies at the Carnegie Mellon School of Drama, where he was Brandon has appeared in commercials, and on stage, first as Mr. Actor Orphan Black. Actor Rent. Anthony Rapp started his career at the age of six, and received his first professional job at the age of nine.

His breakout came when he originated the role of "Mark Cohen" in Jonathan Larson 's production of the Broadway musical "Rent". He can be heard on the original cast recording. Actor Blue Call. Vegas Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! IMDb More. Copy from this list Export Report this list. Sort by: List Order Date Added. Ricky Martin Soundtrack August: Lance Bass Actor On the Line Lance Bass is the quintessential illustration of a highly successful and driven jack-of-all-trades: Knight Actor Genius T.

Robert Gant Actor 13 Reasons Why With several decades of wide-ranging credits to his name, Robert Gant has become a well known actor and participant both in Hollywood and abroad. Chris Salvatore Actor Eating Out: Jim Parsons Actor The Big Bang Theory Having grown up in Houston, and its northern suburb of Spring, he made his first stage appearance in a school play at the age of 6. Wentworth Miller Actor Prison Break Wentworth Miller is a compelling and critically acclaimed actor whose credits span both television and feature film.


Chad Allen Actor Dr. Adamo Ruggiero Actor Degrassi: He is Boy George age 57 Boy George is a British singer-songwriter, who was part of the English New Romantic movement which emerged in the late s to the early s. His music is often classified as blue-eyed soul, Jeffrey Dahmer Dec.

Diagnosed by psychiatrists as suffering from a borderline personality disorder, Martin began his career at age twelve with the all-boy pop group Menudo.

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After five Born in Indianapolis, Indiana and raised in San Diego, California, he performed in amateur theatrical productions as a Alexander the Great Dec. Born in Pella in BC, Alexander Andy Warhol Dec. His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, celebrity culture and Rock Hudson Dec. Hudson is generally known for his turns as a leading man in the s and s. He achieved stardom with dramatic roles in films such as Magnificent Obsession
