Dating as a gay christian

Shrine prostitutes, watch the short video and read the page. Even anti-gay Christian celebrities admit that the context is temple prostitution. About women wearing men's clothes. That was also about temple prostitution and worshiping false gods. It had nothing to do with being gay or lesbian.

Transgender and clothing? It is VERY important that you understand this so that the anti-gay crowd cannot heap false conviction and false condemnation on you. They love to rip verses out of context in their efforts to psych us into feeling bad about our orientation.

Gay Christian Dating Advice in a Nutshell

DON'T let them play that game! Christian Lizzie wrote: It was necessary to change all of that and this He did with Grace. No dear, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of law and grace. For that reason, Jesus did not need to change anything.

Gay Christian Dating: Is He The One? Here’s How to Tell

All Jesus and the Holy Spirit do is remind us to always rightly divide the word of truth which basically means, always interpret scripture in context, 2 Timothy 2: He died so that we could live. If i had a christian girlfriend i would be with her becos of the work of the Cross. I would be a friend and a lover to her bcos He paid our sin price and was our sin offering!

Amen to that sister!

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I agree with you! Here's some of what happens when you get saved. And here are more than pages of Bible Study FREE downloads you can print and fill out at your own pace so you can learn the Bible at home. God bless you! Dec 04, Never heard of the temple shrine argument by: Christian Lizzie To be honest i have never heard of the temple shrine argument He [Jesus] died for the whole world and whosoever calls on His Name shall be saved.

I edited your comment. I do not allow people to keep posting the same dis-information yours was about Genderism comment after comment. Dec 04, So much for freedom of speech huh? Christian Lizzie I don't mind it being edited I would like to ask you how you thought Jesus did tho. Yeah He went to the Cross but what does that mean practically to you? This website is not a free speech zone.

There are too many people who want to post false information and I didn't build this website to provide a free platform for them. This is my ministry website, teaching the Bible to gays and lesbians and others who are interested in God's truth. Excellent question about why Jesus went to the cross! Jesus' death on the cross paid the penalty for our sins by suffering the wrath of God, appeasing God's requirement for justice and God accepted Jesus' blood as payment.

Now, if we want to get saved, we have to be satisfied with the payment Jesus made for us; we have to accept the payment. Does that make sense to you? The payment Jesus made is applied to us by the precious Holy Spirit when we personally receive Jesus as our Savior in this life, John 1: I address Who Jesus is and what Jesus' death on the cross made possible at these Links, which I hope you will read. How can I get saved?

Waiting Until Marriage: Gay Christians Navigate Faith and Sexuality

What is justification by faith? Who is Jesus? What is getting saved? Feb 22, i have a live-in lesbian partner by: My advice is to first, make absolutely sure that you are saved. There is a lot of information in both which will help you grow spiritually and will help answer your questions. Many thanks for stopping by and God bless you.

Mar 16, christians friends only pass on judgment by: Being me I prayed about it n ignored it, cuse lev 20 teaches us about it, went thru a lot cuse this was out of character for me, to make a long story short, the people who I looked up to is making life very difficult for me, like m stupid n things, n I really love this woman, n we engaged. Is-isn't okay for me to still serve God n date her? Please go to GC Search and type in: It all starts with knowing for sure you are saved so you never have to worry about going to hell.

Mar 29, Your answer based on scripture by: Anonymous 1 Corinthians 6: Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. Well there goes your answer. Interesting - 1 Cor 6: Instead Paul used the word, arsenokoitai, which in the first century described a temple prostitute.

And strangely enough, Lev Imagine that! You attempted to answer a question about lesbians by citing two verses which do not mention gays and do not mention lesbians.

How can I reconcile being lesbian and Christian?

Anonymous The one thing I realized is that God's laws are unalterable by man, laws that can be broken are man's laws, no exceptions. There is man's law that says homosexuality is a sin, but God's law does not forbid the loving of the same sex, but God's law does stop two of the same sex from creating a child.

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Jul 16, Jonathan and David by: Anonymous What about Jonathan n David. Their love for one another was like non known. Different version express it differently. Some versions say they kissed passionately. Sep 03, Defend your choice by: Anonymous Its not a matter of whether or not your god says its wrong in your holy book.

Does God have a plan for same-sex relationships?

It's asking yourself that when the day of judgement comes and you stand before him, will you be able to tell him how happy and loved your partner makes you feel. Surely an understanding and forgiving father would want that for his daughter right? I believe it is precisely a matter of what God says in the Bible. Please read Acts Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man Jesus Christ whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

Dec 08, About being Gay by: Christian Its sad to see how people try to justify an abominable sin as lesbianism and homosexuality. This site is leading many astray into the lies of the Devil and is manipulating the word as the Devil did in the desert with Jesus Christ. May God have mercy on all your souls and I pray that you find the truth. New testament clearly states that it is abominable to God. Revelation Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

Strange that you quote the ESV which has removed hell from so many passages. You are either a young Christian or a lazy Christian who has never studied the Bible. Unlike you, many gay Christians study the Bible in context, obeying 2 Timothy 2: I hope that someday, you will get serious for God and also obey 2 Tim 2: Thanks for stopping by.
