Gay men dating high standards shallow

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Not the same for the straight guys. That's how it is with heteros, too. Yoooo, he really shouldn't be making YouTube videos calling his cousins ugly. Last edited: Dec 11, The gay men I know dont seem to be picky about looks.

Are gay mens' high standards the reason so many gay men end up lonely?

You must log in or sign up to reply here. Show Ignored Content. Share This Page Tweet. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now. Yes, my password is: Forgot your password? Close Menu Forums Recent Posts. Most Liked Most Commented. According to him, he just wanted to meet people who could converse and had other interests besides hot guys, sex, clothes, being fabulous, etc.

So the next time we were in a group of mutual friends I tried to engage him in a conversation with some substance. Finding someone of substance is hard work—but the key is to be the kind of person you claim to want.

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If instead you choose to sit around and wait for Prince Charming while pacifying yourself socially with hookups, superficial people, and venues that represent the aspects of they gay world you claim to despise, you only have yourself to blame if you end up alone. Allison Reynolds: Claire Standish: A what? MANY of my hookups became great friends. Logic never fails me however your reasoning is not something I care to endorse….

I am pleased that your life is blissful as mine is as well…see we can disagree and be at peace with ourselves…that is the true measure of mature person. The apps have created a culture of expecting unobtainable perfection. Dehumanizing in a way. Of course the end result is disappointment for many. Nobody is perfect, but are still good enough to use once and discard without a second thought, because something better might come along.

That seems to be the common mindset anyway. Be the BEST whore, sex positive, sexual being, slut, etc in the WORLD hell sponsor a parade about it but if someone else does not share that view you do not have the right to try to transform them or shame them…that is part of the problem…especially in the gay community…if you felt that I was doing that to you please accept my apologies…as not my intent but rather I was speaking from my viewpoint as apparently you are speaking from yours….

For some people including myself dating does work. At any rate, people are going to do things their way.

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  8. Calling others sluts or whores accomplishes nothing but shows how insecure some are of their own sexuality. Apps have created that?

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    In fact, I think that kind of culture was already around before smartphones. Some here talk like they have some serious chips on their shoulders and some major problems with dating. It is a myth that gay men make an effort to stay in shape, most are a mess both physically and emotionally. God forbid men come in different shapes and sizes. Have you seen any straight men lately?

    Most people in the world do not have gym bodies. Only the brain dead guys who have no personality, humor, or substance try to fill the void with abs hoping no one will notice. Depending on your body type you cannot eat anything you enjoy and have those abs without spending hours upon hours in the gym. If you can get through that and not get bored more power to you, not sure how that makes you better than a guy with a little weight on him though. If you want to wait to get to know someone a bit before having sex, fine. I find myself agreeing with AtticusBennett: Whatever you do online or in real life is what you do.

    The purpose of a first date is to determine whether there should be a second date. For some of us, that determination happens through sex; for others, through talking; and for others still, by playing video games. Captain Obvious: I enjoy working out and being healthy, and I have a great body.

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    Your comment reeks of insecurity. Since you may feel bad about having some extra weight or maybe a not so great body, you immediately project negative stereotypes on those that do. Not everyone who enjoys fitness and working out is a brain dead, shallow meathead, but if it makes you feel better to think that, so be it.

    JayLove47 on Gay Men Being More Shallow Than Straight Men

    In fact best to avoid meeting blokes through hook up sites full stop. Join a sports club or, you know, get out more. Saint Law: Go on Match. But I still stay active and healthy. I think its annoying but not necessarily bizzare. When people are filtering through profiles they get bored, distracted, or a more interesting conversation comes up.

    I Find Most Men Unattractive. What’s Wrong With Me?

    Very few conversations on apps like grindr are high priority and if you find someone worth speaking to I can guatantee that other conversations are getting ignored. Its really all about timing and luck. Be practical. I was stunned when I looked them up to see how remote some places were. Well, duh. Either someone is a Slut… and always will be? Has anyone here ever heard of an 80 year old slut? And you always, always were?

    If you say so. Your medal is in the mail! You make them meaningful by treating the other guy with love and respect, and nine times out of ten they will return the favor, even if you only see them once. Some of my most meaningful sex and conversations have been with guys I hooked up with once.


    If an online site leaves you feeling hopeless, that says more about you than it does about anything or anyone else. I enjoy the apps for the brainless entertainment they are, if I meet someone on there great, if not, great. For those who are isolated or seeking something with greater depth, looking on hook-up apps is like seeking gourmet cuisine at It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss real-world solutions, and more.

    Our journalists will try to respond by joining the threads when they can to create a true meeting of independent minds. The most insightful comments on all subjects will be published daily in dedicated articles. You can also choose to be emailed when someone replies to your comment. The existing Open Comments threads will continue to exist for those who do not subscribe to Independent Minds.

    Due to the sheer scale of this comment community, we are not able to give each post the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate.

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    Join us? Final Say. Long reads. Lib Dems. US Politics. Theresa May.
