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He is killed by Teddy who resolves to return and take his place as Emperor when he is ready. Unbeknownst to the New Avengers, Moridun was not destroyed and has actually taken over Billy, who changes his codename to Demiurge. Under the control of Moridun, Billy begins acting weird, suggesting that they should kill some of the thieves they are fighting.

It is only when a group of future avengers travel back in time to warn them does Teddy realise what has happened.

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Despite the future avengers preparing to kill Billy, Teddy encourages him to fight and he successfully drives Moridun out of his body, averting the huge amount of death that was to be caused. As Wiccan, Billy Kaplan possesses an innate mystical ability which allows him to alter and manipulate reality at will.

While patterning himself after Thor in the guise of Asgardian, Billy limited himself entirely to flight and lightning based spells. By stating an intent and focusing on the outcome, Wiccan is capable of a variety of feats, including, but not limited to tracking and locating others, illusionary disguises, tearing down force-fields, mass teleportation, concussive blasts, enchantments, astral projection, and telekinetic force beams.

Billy must be able to hear his spells for them to be successful, but some of Billy's spells can be activated without words. He has consistently been able to create force fields, teleport others, and generate lightning and force blasts with little or no effort. Wiccan was one of the many possible candidates for the title of Sorcerer Supreme, [19] [20] and has been described by the Vision as "one of the most powerful mages on the planet.

In Young Avengers vol. However, deciding that he is not ready to wield this power, he relinquishes it and reverts to his human form. Billy is revealed to become the Sorcerer Supreme in the future after Stephen. Heinberg stated on the situation in a transcript with fans, "According to Billy's theory, the souls of Wanda's twins inhabited his and Tommy's bodies when they were dispersed from Mephisto. But it's only a theory. While Kaplan believes himself and Shepherd may be Wanda Maximoff's reincarnated children, Shepherd is more skeptical about the situation.

During their search for the Scarlet Witch, Wiccan is even more certain that he and Tommy are siblings.

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Both boys refer to one another as "brothers" and Speed claims to be the older of the two though neither knows for certain and also refer to the Scarlet Witch as "Mom" while searching for her. In Scarlet Witch Vol. In discussing Billy and Tommy she again confirms that the two are the reincarnated souls of her sons.

However, seeing as they are already teenagers, Wanda doesn't know if they were normal kids before her sons' souls took over their bodies effectively killing whoever they were before or whether the spirits went back in time to be born and raised by different parents. Exchanges between Wiccan and Hulkling had led to speculation that the two teens had a much more intimate bond than mere friendship.

Kate advises that Asgardian should change his codename to avoid puns regarding his sexuality when the press discovers that he's in a relationship with Hulkling, implying that the others already knew the two are gay. When the team agrees to give an interview to Kat Farrell, Jessica Jones warns Billy and Teddy that Farrell will probably ask if the rumors about them are true. After some deliberation, the two decide to tell Farrell, with Teddy adding, "Why should Northstar have all the fun?

In Young Avengers Presents 3, Hulkling and Wiccan's romantic relationship is handled much more openly than previous issues. In it, they refer to one another as boyfriends. Speed also asks if their relationship is "getting hot and heavy" and jokes that Billy and Teddy would have a disastrous "mixed marriage" due to Teddy's alien heritage. In the aftermath of The Children's Crusade , Billy falls into a months long depression, watching from the sidelines as New York is turned into " Spider Island " and the Human Torch is resurrected. Teddy is able to bring Billy back "out of the dark" by proposing to him.

In Young Avengers Vol. Teddy is kissed by Prodigy. The couple reconcile at the conclusion of the storyline and are last seen happily dancing together at Marvel Boy's party. A flashforward to possible future 20XX shows an older Billy and Teddy living happily together with a daughter, Katie. Asked about Billy's codename, Heinberg said "It turns out that code names are the trickiest part of creating new characters. When Kate suggests 'Wiccan' to Billy in Young Avengers 6, she, like me, was not thinking in terms of the specific religious practice of Wicca , but rather attempting to find a suitable counterpart for the word 'witch.

He complains that since he is a pagan deity, he takes some offence to its use, and jokingly states that he has a list of better names. Although he explains that he has been researching the religion of Wicca, he admits that it is not his faith. Victor then suggests that he should change it with Teddy begging him not to revert to Asgardian. Billy later changes his name to Demiurge whilst under the control of the ghost wizard Moridun. Wiccan has received generally positive reception, with particular focus on his relationship with Hulkling. Heinberg reported that when the relationship was initially suspected before its confirmation, most fan were supportive, with minimal negative reaction.

He wrote: After dealing with time travellers, alien invasions and mad mutants, their story stands out as an It Gets Better for the superhero set. In a reality where after the Hulk was jettisoned into space and discovered by Annihilus , killing him and taking the Annihilation Wave to Earth; Wiccan appears as one of the few remaining superhumans and part of Quentin Quire 's Exiles. Like his mainstream counterpart, he refers to Speed as his brother and the Scarlet Witch as his mother. In a one-shot story about the final Avengers story, Billy and Tommy grew up as the children of the Vision and the Scarlet Witch.

As a child, Billy witnessed the accidental murder of his mother by his uncle, Quicksilver. Her death eventually caused Billy known as "Billy Maximoff" to become a villain, calling himself "the Grim Reaper. Eventually the Reaper joined forces with Kang and Ultron and their "final battle" with the Avengers. Billy appeared to be friends with this future's Oddball and the two discussed Billy's desire for revenge against his brother and father.

Billy and his brother were locked in battle until their father, the Vision, destroyed Ultron, ending the fight. As the Vision lay dying, he implored Billy not to give up on humanity the way he had when Wanda was killed. What exactly became of Billy following the Avengers' victory is unknown. Unlike Earth, Tommy inherited their mother's mystical abilities and the nature of Billy's powers were unspecified. As the Grim Reaper, Billy wielded a scythe of unknown nature, either technological or mystic, that could teleport back to him if it left his hand. The scythe could presumably cut what he wanted it to while harmlessly phasing through what he did not, such as when he impaled Jessie Wingfoot without injuring Ultron During the battle with Tommy, his scythe was able to deflect mystical force bolts conjured at him.

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During Battle of the Atom , Billy is seen as a member of the future X-Men who travel back in time to stop a group of impostors led by Beast. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Marvel Comics superhero. Young Avengers Avengers Idea Mechanics. The creators of Wiccan: Main article: Secret Invasion. The creators of volume 2: Kieron Gillen left and Jamie McKelvie right. Last Avengers Story.

Young Avengers.

Sons of the Serpent Mother. Volume 1 Civil War: Young Avengers Secret Invasion: The Children's Crusade Volume 2. New Avengers. Brian Michael Bendis David Finch.

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Retrieved February 26, Comic Book Resources. Retrieved 9 October Archived from the original on November 20, Comic Book Resources News. Retrieved September 26, The Children's Crusade" Avengers: The Children's Crusade 6. Loki to Wiccan: You're going to rewrite the rules of magic and all the implications of that decision are going to echo forward and backward across all realities. But I've also the responsibility to know how to use the power. And Billy Kaplan, you don't know what the hell you're doing.

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