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We all knew because of our shared cultural background that we all took part on a similar journey of sexual racism.

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When asked about his reasons for making the movie, Ray answered that he noticed a lack of gay Asian men who were interested in other gay Asian men in western countries. In one scene in the movie, a young Caucasian man eyes and approaches the main character Ryan as he and his love interest Ning dance in a nightclub. In a bigger sense, I think this imaginary situation touches something deeper and real in a lot of us. Ryan is a character who embodies the first-generation story of an Asian person born into Western society.

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Reflected in the fragments of his personality are echoes of Asian gay men who live in Western countries. People whose everyday lives becomes a negotiated and cultural amalgamation of Asian, Western and queer identities. Do we belong to either western or eastern culture?

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Are our desires influenced by our struggle for identity? And what commonalities lie within our collective psychological experiences?

Why queer Asian men often date white guys - Star Observer

The tension of east and west and some of its complexities are especially exhibited in our dating scene. In popular gay Asian colloquialism, there lies the cultural notion that desires revolve around two specific racial choices — rice or potato? This divide seemed commonplace, even manifesting itself within a speed dating event in Sydney. At the event, we were given 12 dates at five minutes each and no one was allowed to talk about work.

Dealing with racism in gay online dating

In , user data on OkCupid showed that most men on the site rated black women as less attractive than women of other races and ethnicities. That resonated with Ari Curtis, 28, and inspired her blog, Least Desirable. Kholood Eid for NPR hide caption. These were the types of messages Jason, a year-old Los Angeles resident, remembers receiving on different dating apps and websites when he logged on in his search for love seven years ago. He has since deleted the messages and apps.

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Jason is earning his doctorate with a goal of helping people with mental health needs. NPR is not using his last name to protect his privacy and that of the clients he works with in his internship. He is gay and Filipino and says he felt like he had no choice but to deal with the rejections based on his ethnicity as he pursued a relationship.

But I started to think, I have a choice: Would I rather be alone, or should I, like, face racism? Jason, a year-old Los Angeles resident, says he received racist messages on different dating apps and websites in his search for love. Jason says he faced it and thought about it quite a bit. So he wasn't surprised when he read a blog post from OkCupid co-founder Christian Rudder in about race and attraction. Rudder wrote that user data showed that most men on the site rated black women as less attractive than women of other races and ethnicities.

Similarly, Asian men fell at the bottom of the preference list for most women. As a teenager, I remember watching China Dolls on late night television. It made me question my own place in the world. For many gay guys, especially in an image-conscious city like Sydney, it's hard not to feel the pressure of being like the hypermasculine men at the gym, walking around, shaking bottles of protein supplements.

Yes it has, when you don't want to be seen as a particular stereotype. Eric has been on the dating scene for a couple of years and has become more ripped since I first met him several years ago.

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His abs would probably strike envy in many men. I wore big, thick black glasses. I am who I am and I'm happy with that.

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  • Even though David may have reached a certain level of "hotness", he still gets backhanded compliments. He's not just hot, he's "hot for an Asian". Hang on a minute. Because I'm Asian you're expecting that it wasn't going to be hot? A couple of guys I spoke to for this story were reluctant to go on the record. Their experiences had damaged their wellbeing. They ditched the apps or stopped going out.
