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Our brains sculpt each other. So why do we study them in isolation? A common food additive may make the flu vaccine less effective. April 08, How deadly, fast-moving flows of volcanic rock and gas cheat friction. Mathematicians may have found the fastest way to multiply huge numbers. Editor's Note. The delight of discovering an asteroid that spits.

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April 07, Letters to the Editor. Readers seek answers to stories about shingles, Neandertal spears and more.

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Peruvian fossils yield a four-legged otterlike whale with hooves. April 05, Hayabusa2 has blasted the surface of asteroid Ryugu to make a crater. Testing mosquito pee could help track the spread of diseases. How emus and ostriches lost the ability to fly. April 04, This planetary remnant somehow survived the death of its sun. Cats recognize their own names.

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Conversations with Maya: Mary Sue Coleman. A major crop pest can make tomato plants lie to their neighbors. Metal asteroids may have once had iron-spewing volcanoes. April 03, This Greek philosopher had the right idea, just too few elements.

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Tiny pumpkin toadlets have glowing bony plates on their backs. Middle school teachers receive STEM grant funds. New fossils may capture the minutes after the dinosaur-killing asteroid impact. April 02, Bacteria can be coaxed into making the toughest kind of spider silk. Foreigners may have conquered ancient Egypt without invading it.

Growth Curve. Pumping may be linked to an altered microbial mix in breast milk. April 01, Tina Hesman Saey. Magazine issue: Do you think it helps to boycott places that are outwardly intolerant toward gay people or is it better to go and actually meet people and try to change their minds? Boycotting hurts their pockets, which unfortunately is how the world works — money.

But with any boycott, I advise to do proper and thorough research as to not fall in a rabbit hole of theories, and instead, find credible news stories and trusted peers to understand why something should be boycotted. Hopefully with boycotting and an in-person discussion, their minds would evolve to be more accepting over time. You work with many Asian countries. You know, the funny thing is I hated being Asian as a kid. Now, in marketing, I always push to show diversity in our campaigns and hire people with different backgrounds to show more inclusivity.

Thailand has a website called GoThaiBeFree. They really care about this audience. The retreat is female empowerment and for gay men who suffer confidence, body issues.

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Mia suffered from anorexia during her modeling career and suffered a breakdown before discovering Muay Thai, which helped her overcome it and accept her weight gain. The proceeds from the retreat also go to Wor.


Watthana which is a home for kids in the Issan region with no homes and they provide Muay Thai training. All they care about is if you can punch and kick, which is what I love. We need allies and if they see, hear, or read about someone being discriminated for being LGBTQ or anything for the matter , they need to speak up. This can be done in the form of an email to officials, social media comments, and even sharing news about it on their channels. Traveling is one of the best experiences you can have.

At least once in your life, travel to a different country and experience how they live. Callie Torres Sara Ramirez and lesbian pediatric surgeon Dr. Arizona Robbins Jessica Capshaw.

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Brandon Voss. Celebrity interviewer. Foodie and Broadway buff in Manhattan.
