Gay hookup culture

We come together around shared interests like sports, technology, and media. Our subscribers have hosted social meet-ups all around the world. Message the moderators to add your event once you have the date and location finalized and a post created for us to link to. New York City July 6th.

If your post fits one of our weekly threads, you may be prompted to post in that stickied weekly thread instead. We are most strict about selfie posts being confined to the Monday thread. Keep in mind you do not need a gay spin on these in order to post. Our currently weekly threads are:. Is the hook up culture in the gay scene really so prevalent?

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Now that I've been out of apps for a few months, even the idea of hook ups doesn't cross my mind. Really I see the opposite! I used to wanna hook up more and everyone wanted LTR.

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Now I get judged a lot because I have 2 guys poly relationship they are together as well. Definitely some confirmation bias involved from each side, but it's very, very common for me to click on a profile and be disappointed that they're not interested in hooking up. And constantly on gay reddits.

Hook-up Apps Are Destroying Gay Youth Culture | Time

And most of the guys I know irl. It just seems a bit crazy to constantly hear guys complaining about feeling like the only one who doesn't want casual sex or wants monogamy. Do they just not notice every other guy complaining about the same thing? All I dream about is being next to someone in bed. Someone who I am with every night. One person. So I guess no.

Millennial males discuss 'hookup culture'

Not everyone is against long term relationships. Yup my dream is after a long day at work is to come home and lay my head on my mans chest and fall asleep. There are some, but not many from what I have seen. Gay people have redefined what marriage is in a lot of ways and it has its cons and pros. There are so many open relationships now that I view it as a normal thing in the gay culture.

What you want is out there and may be harder to find, but that's what makes it more worth it right? I wondered the same thing ish years ago when I started going to gay bars. So many wanted a night, nothing more. Of course, there were some that had you married before you even said hello. I've been monogamous with the perfect man for over 30 years now One friend wants a LTR but I think the gay folk may be a bit more open about it but I see it in str8's too. Guy Torsher.

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Motherboard staff is exploring the cultural, political, and social influence of the iPhone for the 10th anniversary of its release. Follow along. I was at the gym recently when I heard something on TV that made me realize how profoundly the iPhone has changed everything. Despite that phrase being a bit of marketing fluff, it rang true. I thought of just how much of my life I control from my smartphone: The arrival of the iPhone was a turning point, for better and worse.

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  • It wasn't just about the phone itself, but the apps that sprung up around it, like Grindr. People who wanted to forego the tedium of person-to-person interaction pre-iPhone used desktops to access various gay dating sites online. You had to email the other person and wait for them to reply. If you were lucky, it'd take about a week of back-and-forth online wooing to set up a date. In March , Grindr launched on the App Store.

    There was obviously an appetite for it, because it grew astonishingly quickly.

    What I’ve Learned From Hookup Culture

    Soon after Grindr came online, it would spawn countless copycats on both the iOS and Android platforms, like Scruff, Jack'd, and Hornet, but in the beginning, it was primarily for well-off gay men with the newest status symbol: Grindr represented a paradigm shift in how men could meet each other.

    In this bold new age of connection, your geography suddenly became the most important factor. You could discretely hook up with someone in the same small town—or on the same street or even the same block—without anybody knowing. Much to the chagrin of other members of the non-cis-male LGBTQ community, apps to cater to their needs are still relatively few and far between. The app had obvious advantages.

    Hookup culture

    If you lived in a homophobic environment, the relative anonymity could be a godsend. But its faceless nature was a double-edged sword. You had to be out, you had to be public. So it was a great thing. With Grindr, love and sex are theoretically available in abundance.

    But hook-up apps quickly became saturated with body shaming and overt racism at least one Twitter feed is dedicated to some of the most egregious examples.
