Gay friendship online

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The problem is that chilling with the girls leaves little room to meet men. They keep you occupied, you keep them occupied.

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And, in all likelihood, none of you have a special man in your life. Here's the deal: I, too, have always had a fear of meeting gay men. Put me in a room full of women and I'll charm their pants off not literally, but you get the point.

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    How to Meet and Make Gay Friends

    Update Cancel. Answer Wiki. Answered Jan 8, Originally Answered: Thank you for your feedback! I am gay and I have never had gay friends. What can I do to make gay friends? How can I find a gay friend? What's the best way to make gay friends?

    Friends Dating Ireland

    How do you make gay friends? The sites I used to frequent are no longer around or are too embarrassing to talk about here. Two of my friends met in Scruff but this is meant to mostly be a hookup type service. There are many chat rooms out their geared towards homosexual people. Really, where you look will depend on why you want to meet gay people. If you're looking for a hookup, try Scruff as I mentioned.
