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Then who knows? Maybe someday you will meet your perfect match.

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So, if you are open to new gay dating experiences in Philadelphia, you are always welcome to sign up at Flirt. Is that too much to ask for?

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Just a guy who likes to work out and share work out styles. Craving Man on Man action from time to time or to serve a man or muscle guy! Other guys who like to work out, meet, massage or like to be muscle worshiped. Well here goes something about me,,, I am a professional. My sport is primarily wrestling,, I started when I was 14 ,, wrestled in high school, college and the army,, I still wrestle 2 to 3 x a month,, I have been working out since I was 14 also, I have the luck of good genes, I enjoy good Hi Guys. I ONLY am attracted to submissive white guys.

I am laid back, and wanting someone who loves to kiss and cuddle.

Meet gays in Philadelphia

My turn on is a guy who will let me grind in top of him, while he sucks my tits. Singer song writer working on my masters degree currently attending aspiring artist Keeper song out now. Looking for muscular guys for mutual fun. Not looking for anything serious. I have a lot of interests from movies to video games.

I've started taking up writing and painting.

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Anything else you'd like to know, ask. I enjoy chatting with new people. Looking for athletic guys who take care of themselves mentally and physically. I like a guy with a sense of humor and a bit of playfulness but knows when to be serious. I'm looking for some type of connection.

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  5. We'll know it when we feel it. Jock who loves to work out, play soccer, run, and do out door activities to stay in shape. I lift and do crossfit days a week along with soccer at night and on the weekends. I'm a average guy who likes to hang out a bar, watch a ball game or sit on the beach all day listening to some tunes. Guys that are fit, around my age give or take 5 years, discreet ish and are relaxed. Uptight and parade marchers need not apply; no offense but, why waste your time or mine.

    I am honest, trustworthy and if you show respect, you will get respect. I love thin, muscular men of all races. I like to play sports; still play softball competitively. I think life is too short to be serious ALL the time, so let's have fun while we can.

    Here's a look at some Gay Singles groups near Philadelphia.

    I'm looking to meet someone caring, honest, fun and respectful to others. I'm not into drama things happen, but, let's try to get over the little things and don't need anyone that is married or coupled.
